• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

My first hot sauce, started 30 minutes ago! Home smoked Jalepenos/Habaneros! Need some advice.

So first off, I love this forum.  This is my first post after a long time of lurking and reading.
All told, I have about 4 - 5 punds of peppers.  About a 3 to 1 mix of my friends home grown habaneros to store bought jalepenos.
I decided to stem and seed all the peppers as I want this to be a nice smokey sauce, with a good bite but not too extreme, and I want to reinforce some sweet notes.


As of about 9am my time (30 minutes ago) I have them smoking.  I am cold smoking them with my electric smoker as to not cook them too much (about 75 degrees-ish with lots of smoke on a cool So. Cal morning).


My goal, after they have smoked for a few hours, is to buzz them with some carrot, apple, and lots of garlic into a mash.  Then I want to try ferment that.
For fermenting, I want to use whey.  I got some whole fat goat milk yogurt from my local grocery store and that is my first question.  How much whey do I need to start the process?
Also, as far as salt and vinegar, how much do I need to add first, if any?  I know I need to add salt to prevent mold but what about the vinegar?
Any other suggestions from the pros out there?
Thanks anyone!!!
When that ferment is finished you have the option of not adding anything Chris.  It might taste great as is. :)   Taste and see what you think.  With additions:  Use a little at a time and taste throughout the process.  You can always add more acid/sweet/salt to balance.  Add a little, taste. Add a little more, taste.  Being rocotos and jalas with carrot, apple and garlic the fermented mash might just need a touch of vinegar and maybe a touch of sweetener (sugar/honey/agave syrup) to complete the balance.  
Remember:  You can always add more but you can't take it out ;) 
Excellent suggestions all the way around guys.  I did a little preview test last night (couldnt help myself) and even this young I am really happy with the taste.  The heat is a lot mellower than I thought, and the sweet, smokey mix is really nice.
I think since I made so much I might try to do a few things with it.
I finally understand the addiction.    Part of me wants to get this done with just to start on the next batch.
Thanks everyone here who has offered suggestions and help.  This couldnt be a better, more supportive community.
So I made my second ferment. Onions and Serrano peppers. Going to pack then A's a side to my hot sauce. So excited.

I thought some home pickled chili onions would go great with my fresh hot sauce.  White onions with Serrano peppers.  2 days and already have lots of bubbles, and I used the cabbage trick that some folks have suggested.
Looking good Chris. If your having trouble with the mason jars sealing up on you, flip the lid sop that the seal is up and then put the ring on snug but not too tight. Then as the pressure builds it'll raise the lid enough to self burp and then come back down to keep it closed. Trick my Grandma used when making pickles.
Thats a good trick, thank you Rocketman.  
Can anyone tell me, is it normal for the gas produced to slow down?  My mash I started fermenting last sturday (10 days ago) I was burping every day and had active bubbles trickeling up now seems like nothing is happening, or close to nothing.  Is this normal, or did my colony die?  
chris5h said:
Thats a good trick, thank you Rocketman.  
Can anyone tell me, is it normal for the gas produced to slow down?  My mash I started fermenting last sturday (10 days ago) I was burping every day and had active bubbles trickeling up now seems like nothing is happening, or close to nothing.  Is this normal, or did my colony die?
Your fine the fermentation process slows down as it has eaten a big amount of the sugars in your mash. It will still ferment and as long as you don't open it your fine no nasties on top so just let it ride. How long ya gonna let it go ? :)
This is getting really addicting.
I took my 2 week pickeled onions and ran them through the fiid processor, then I evened my pepper mash between the two big glass jars.  I added my new onions to the pepper mash, and added some of the bring from the onions into it and sealed it up.  I love how the onions have a nice tart, sour, and slightly sweet taste, with some heat from the serannos (i left the serannos out and saved them fore myself).  
I think another 3 or 4 weeks then it will be time to cook and bottle.
Now to just decide how to cook them.
I wish I knew the size of those jars so I knew how many woozy bottles I needed.
chris5h said:
I wish I knew the size of those jars so I knew how many woozy bottles I needed.
Next time fill one of those jars up with water and measure it out before adding more mash.  ;)
Also what comes out of the jar won't always be what you end up with; after the food mill you'll be left with less (assuming you mill the mash prior to processing) and you might also make some additions (vinegar/honey/etc) which can affect final total.  Follow up pics please!!  
chris5h said:
I wish I knew the size of those jars so I knew how many woozy bottles I needed.
You might could use some of that math-ometry voodoo they tried to teach in school.
OR, you could use one of the calculators some nice person already wrote for us, like this one:
Just plug in radius and height and it calulates volume in "US fluid ounce". Then just divide by 5 (woozie).
Might give you a ballpark to start with anyway.
How's the ferments lookin?
It looks good.  The smell is amazing.  Every now and then I get a spoonfull and try it on stufff.  Its a little hot, smokey, slightly sour, I am so happy with it.  