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My first little harvest


Here some few of my ripe pods not much some:Cherry bomb,Mustard Habanero,Salmon Chilhualce Rojo,Peruvian Serlano,Caribbean red,Singapore,Scotch Bonnet,Arivivi/Aribibi Gusano,Island Hellfire,Israeli chili,Peach Habanero,Cveta hot f-2,Red chili,Caiene& Squash pepper.
Nothing of my C.chinense realyripe yet all in the green stage also wild variety so far but every day I have few but happy compare those are all second hand plant the frst hand plants lost early this year due the frost.
Thanks my friends but only think I don't know when I posting the image what I'm doing wrong all the time, Mustard hab are crossed with Bhut Jolokia they have little tail like Scorpion that why the color is different it is so hot usually never drink milk I was drinking half gallon after I eat hole think tears come all over my face my throat was on fire so my stomach.
Your Mustard Habs are just like mine 915river. Nice harvest especially with Aribibi Gusano and Peach Habs.

Well done for the pic Chiliac ;)
The only problem with the image was the [ missing at the start of the photobucket code, it read.


Just shove a [ in front of the IMG] and it would be fine, see?

little harvest my A**....that is a great harvest 915...hope you get a lot more before first frost...well done...
Most of plants are still full with pods but they are all still green stage, most of my C.Chinense just trying to ripe hope it weather cooperate so I can have nice harvest before cold heat the mark at nights , even C.Baccatum plants & wild ones are still green hope for the best at this point of time.
Thanks all of you for compliment!!!!!!!!!
If you doubleclick on the IMG code below your photo, most computers will automatically copy it. Then just paste....you lucky pepper harvesting bastard!;)

My harvests are still ramping up. Ripening 7 pots and Scorpions will be next!
great looking harvest, yea the mustard habs look kinda weird color do they taste good ?
is that 1 mustard hab on the far left just 1 pod or did it form 2 pods ?
chilehunter said:
great looking harvest, yea the mustard habs look kinda weird color do they taste good ?
is that 1 mustard hab on the far left just 1 pod or did it form 2 pods ?

They test good but extremily hot I think it was cross with Buth Jolokia the on the far left is two pods forming on one.:lol:
cheezydemon said:
If you doubleclick on the IMG code below your photo, most computers will automatically copy it. Then just paste....you lucky pepper harvesting bastard!;)

My harvests are still ramping up. Ripening 7 pots and Scorpions will be next!

Thanks so lot my friend hope both of as have all ripe pods before is to late.:lol:
The Island Hellfire,Singapore,Cveta hot f-2,Salmon Chilhualce all look damn nice my Cveta is full of pods 915 lovely plant :rolleyes: