• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My first plant growing ever : Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Due to the euphoria caused by the suffering and anguish of people on Youtube after eating this and other hot peppers, I am deciding to grow some on my own so I can enjoy this experience myself in real life! I want to grow this pepper to not only try it myself, but also to allow others to try it and just have something else I can do/talk about in my life.

This is my first time planting anything. The only other plant I have ever owned was those chinese bamboo plants that you have to water once per week :P So I am new to this and know I am bound to stumble into problems or even fail--but I will learn from it :D

I poured the fertilizer while spraying them with luke warm water, then when the thing was 90% full, I made a hole in the middle 2 inches deep and put 1 seed in each, then watered more fertilizer to cover the hole.

I know I should use a heating pad but I can't get that but hopefully the warm houston weather will suffice.



I will update this and hopefully they germinate and grow :D

yah said, "I poured the fertilizer while spraying them with luke warm water, then when the thing was 90% full, I made a hole in the middle 2 inches deep and put 1 seed in each, then watered more fertilizer to cover the hole."

You meant potting soil not fertilizer, correct?
I think you should have started them in a plastic ziplock bag on a paper towel in a warm place first,

I don't even use fert`s till the plant is well established, and have never done in on seeds? and you seed depth is to deep.

Superhots are notoriously slow to germinate straight out of the soil, i tried this way last year & they did eventually sprout but it took months. This year ive learned some valuable lesson from this forum & now have them popping up in just a couple of weeks (no heat mats) or anything flash like that, heck ive not even got electricity.

But hey, good luck with your growing & hope you have success.

2 inches is way to deep. 1/4 to 1/2 inch is fine. No ferts nesscessary until young sprouts and then only half dose reccommended on product.

Good luck and Welcome from central Texas.

Best of luck to you! I lived in Houston for almost 4 years and had a wonderful balcony garden, mostly due to the climate.
Welcome to THP Amir. Hope you have fun getting know about pepper growing.
Best of Luck. I got into the hobby after watching youtube videos of The Hippy Seed Company folks testing peppers.

Mezo - At what point do you start to fertilize. I think I start too early. I usually wait until the second set of leaves appears, then another 2 or 3 waterings. Then I use a 1/4 strength solution.

amirborna - If you really did fertilize, if you get sprouts, you probably don't need to fertilize for a while. Keep us posted.
oooh godd. that's waay too deep!
& plant them in potting soil! not fertilizer! D:
aaaahhh! well this will help you learn for next time. :]
I hope something is wrong with that description, if not, I doubt anything will grow in that monstrous vat of death. If anything does show up, we'll all be following it closely and Monsanto may want to buy it. :)
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Mezo - At what point do you start to fertilize.

I don't really set dates or count leaves, there's enough stuff in the potting mix (quality one) to feed it for ages anyhow,
i just give it a feed when i think it needs it, i don't go overboard with fertz (liquid ones) and when they are ready for
the big re-potting i bung in tomato fertz in granules (slow release).


From my potting soil bag:

Selected Peat Hummus
Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss and Perlite

Can I assume there are enough nutrients here for a while?

I've never grown Butch-T before but I've done plenty of growing vegetables. Rule of thumb is that you plant the seed depth 2x the diameter. That said, you're growing in some pretty fluffy stuff. In my opinion, it should sprout but it's going to take a while. Know that all seeds shoot down the root first. By the time they sprout, you may need to transplant soon. Until sprouted they don't need light unless you use light to heat the bed.

Peat Hummus, Peat Moss, and Perlite don't have any significant nutrients. It's an awesome seed starting bed and a great foundation for your plants. In theory, this will cause the plant to extend their root system out to find nutrients. Peppers don't need much in the way of nitrogen. You could just watch the leaves. If they start looking a little pale, hit them with some half strength liquid fertilizer. Personally I just feed them every two weeks until planted. When the roots start ball, transplant into miracle grow or generic that has fertilizer for 3 or 4 months. Watch the leaves. If they start looking anemic, feed it.

You start fertilizing once the first true leaves sprout. Fertilizing sooner doesn't hurt unless you add way too much.

I planted mine in little peat pucks that were expanded. I put them in white 5 gal paint buckets and wrap a heat belt around the bucket. Keep them in the dark and moist until sprouted. I then put a florescent spotlight directly on top of the bucket. I remove the heat belt once sprouted also. To harden I simply set the bucket outside in the sun. Even if the temp drops into a frost, the bucket holds just enough heat. If it's going to get seriously cold, I put them back under the light. With all my efforts, it's been 2 weeks since I planted and my Scorpions haven't sprouted yet. I have another 4 until the expected time of last frost. If they aren't ready, I may simply pot some of them and grow them in my basement.
Hey Amirborna - how are the seeds coming along?

From my potting soil bag:

Selected Peat Hummus
Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss and Perlite

Can I assume there are enough nutrients here for a while?


Don't mean to hijack, firstly i don't have a clue what any of that stuff is? (Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss and Perlite) as a general rule potting mix (decent sorts) contains enough nutes to get your plants up & away.

Well that's it really.

I add new pictures here as well

When I had originally planted them, I planted them 2 inches deep. Then from some comments on the forums people said they will never grow if it is 2 inches deep. So back in the beginning before they grew, I put my finger in the plants and tried to pull out the seed, but I couldn't find it because everything looked the same. I only tried to do it in 4 of the pots. I put the dirt as back in the holes as best as I could.

Then a bit later when the plants grew, I had 3 grow inside of 1 pot !!! Eventually I decided to take the change and transplant the little babies into their own pot.
This picture is from 4/22

So I pulled it out and here is how it looked


I somehow got lucky because it was more like 4 inches into the dirt !!!

Then I planted them into one of the pots that a plant hasn't popped out from :) :) :)

So here is what we have on 4/25/12
I cut the plastics so each pot can be seperated. I rearranged them a litte bit. Also I can spin them around if they start to lean too
much towards the sun when I put them on my patio :D :D :D


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The picture above is cropped from the bottom, but there are 3 additional pots that have not grown yet.
I do not really care because I realized Butch T gets large plant and I will probably end up giving a bunch away anyways :dance:

This one is my favorite one of the 15
Hi update today on my pepper plants, i made a video for you guys to see

June 21 . The growth rate was very little and they became root bound.

So I bought pots from Walmart and Miracle Grow fertilizer in big bag and started to repot them



July 3rd



July 8th

July 11th
Nice job on the vid. When does your growing season end? Plants look nice and healthy. Hope they grow true! You need to pot up those habs!