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My first pod porn ....woohooo!


Well, this is off that Jalapeno I bought half-dead from a local place, and it's done well. It's about 18" tall now, even thought it's just in the window. :)




Not a Naga, but it'll do for starters. :-)

I love the look of tiny pods as much as of ripe ones. When you discover the first babies you know your efforts are starting to pay off and you're in for something good. I finally discovered my first baby 7pot two days ago, felt great! :)

Nice close up pic, good job on saving the half dead plant!!!
Yeah it's nice alright...found by accident while misting and looking it over. It's grown about 6" since I got it at the beginning of June, and really bushed out. I got it enfested with aphids, 12" tall in a 3" pot, leggy as hell because it was shoved under a shelf. IDK how it survived since it was about 98F out there. Tuff plant.

Now it's in an 8x8 pot with good soil and nutes and it's healthy as all getout.

I guess now it's thanking me eh? :D
Nice jala mine only has small pods like your quad m8ty..and was one of the aphids favourite eating places as well till they met my super fast garden gun..now there out of town for good :lol:
Thanks folks. :)

It's funny, it's actually located away from all the rest of the flowers and stuff. The Loner Pepper...heheh.
good l.ookin pepper QS....keep the faith and keepem' happy...
great job Quad. you must be so proud....:hell:

It's the best feeling to see your first pod on a plant, and when its found by accident its all the more sweeter.....:)

Good job.
That's AWESOME Quad!! I actually had a REALLY late started Cayenne today that I found a couple REAAAALLLY dinky peppers on. The flowers popped off and there's that little green point starting. I actually think this plant may end up being better than my other cayenne which is older, but much slower producing. I get excited over every single pepper starting myself. I just know it's one more thing for a fix:lol::lol: Also, my white hab and purira are producing peppers like mad on a daily basis I see more peppers growing. The sucky thing is............waiting for them all to ripen..lol!