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My first ripe 7pod :)

Never done this before with anything this hot. I've had a whole orange hab before and it kicked my ass. I gather half a 7 pod is going to be pretty brutal.

So can anyone tell from this picture what variant of 7 pod it is?

looks like a jonah but there is variation in the shape of the regular red ones they can go from naga shaped to that shape you've got there. are you gonna get video footage of you trying it. would love to see that. mine havent come out yet so i don't know if theyll look like that or different. that thing is gonna hurt though. no getting around that. good luck!
I already had the 1/4 of it and it really kicked my ass!

looks like a jonah but there is variation in the shape of the regular red ones they can go from naga shaped to that shape you've got there. are you gonna get video footage of you trying it. would love to see that. mine havent come out yet so i don't know if theyll look like that or different. that thing is gonna hurt though. no getting around that. good luck!
You should see a few of the Jonahs I'm growing this year. 1/4 of that would equal less 1/8 of these. Any sliver of them causes severe pain though!!
that's great! the worst part is always the fear beforehand. i'm sure it burned like crazy but at least you can say you did it now. i'll be right there with ya in a few weeks if my GD plants will produce. i'll try to do a whole one and video it if i don't die!haha. what's really got me scared is the yellow ones. those are like trying to eat a tennis ball. every since i saw that guy eat half of one and barf i've been scared! the yellow 7 plants are huge! biggest leaves i've ever seen. anyway nice going! it's got to be a good feeling to have done that. at least till tommorrow morning!
I dont know...the burn is just as scary as the unknown. LOL. I'd never have the guts to try a whole one....ever. As much as I'd like to think I would, I'm chicken.

that's great! the worst part is always the fear beforehand. i'm sure it burned like crazy but at least you can say you did it now. i'll be right there with ya in a few weeks if my GD plants will produce. i'll try to do a whole one and video it if i don't die!haha. what's really got me scared is the yellow ones. those are like trying to eat a tennis ball. every since i saw that guy eat half of one and barf i've been scared! the yellow 7 plants are huge! biggest leaves i've ever seen. anyway nice going! it's got to be a good feeling to have done that. at least till tommorrow morning!
Kind of Jonahish but it looks more like a regular 7 Pod. I believe those are still around. Jonah's are more wrinkly and very thin skinned and sound hollow if you tap your finger on it. What ever it is congrats on living to talk about it.
Thanks man. I still feel like a bit of a wimp because I only had 1/4 from the milder end. Here is what is left of the pepper today. I've removed the seeds so I can grow more. Its quite thin inside and damn look at the stains on the napkin just from it touching a little. I didnt even cut it on that. What amazes me about this pepper is the aroma and taste. Quite possibly the best of any pepper I've ever tried. Its also quite possibly the hottest. I might still have to say the Dorset Naga I tried has the edge but its close.

Hey SVT, it could quite possibly be the Jonah. The ones I grew last season started light green, went to yellow, then a peachy colour before red. And they sure kicked my arse too. It was the only chilli I grew that had my head spinning after trying it raw. I haven't grown any other 7s to compare them to, well besides the yellow, but when I picked them they felt fake... like they were made of plastic almost. I know that's a funny way to describe them but the first thing that popped into my head after picking the first one was a piece of Lego. :crazy: And like Patrick said they sound hollow when you tap them. I too thought the flavour was amazing (for the split second before it sets your mouth on fire) but they're so damned hot you can't use very much in your meal. I'd love to find a milder chilli with that same taste and aroma so I can load them up and get more of that great flavour. Wahtever it is you have there the main thing is that you enjoyed it and that's what grow your own is all about.
I thought I'd have a look for you and found a ripe one on one of my plants even though it's the middle of winter here. It's actually a little over ripe as you can see from the disected pic, I wish I found him last week:



Thanks for the pic. Yes mine is identical to yours so I'm guessing its the same variety. Mine also did seem fake when I picked it up. its so light like its made of thin plastic. The heat is crazy. I'll also agree....if there is something thats much milder but with the same taste, that would be awesome. Lets cross it with a bell pepper :)

I thought I'd have a look for you and found a ripe one on one of my plants even though it's the middle of winter here. It's actually a little over ripe as you can see from the disected pic, I wish I found him last week:



Awesome bro. Yeah they are hot! I think i remember telling you it looked like a Jonah in your other thread. Do you have any others on the plant?
Plastic and fake looking/feeling. That's a couple of things that come to mind when I think of 7 Pod Jonah.

Here's a couple of pics of one I picked this morning. The idea of popping this into my mouth scares me.



Hope you don't mind sharing the thread svc.
Ya now that you mention it. I think I do remember someone else saying that so it must have been you. I think the pods were not ripe back then. I do have others on the plant but they are still like a light green colour. Cant wait but at the same time I'm scared to try another ripe one. LOL.

Awesome bro. Yeah they are hot! I think i remember telling you it looked like a Jonah in your other thread. Do you have any others on the plant?