• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

condiment My first sauces, salsa and chutney.....

So this past year was my first growing Chillis properly and having lurked here for a while I thought by way of introduction I'd make my first post one that showed off the year's results in produce form. First up here's a couple of random harvest shots to show the primary ingredients:

I love this shot as my dad made me this awesome black walnut bowl

So anyway here's the final stash:

Not huge amounts of stuff but plenty to keep me going for now (and I've got more peppers in the freezer for when this lot runs out. So what is all the above? Well.....

There's 5 jars of this. This is pumpkin, cranberry and red chilli chutney. I started this from this recipe: http://allotment2kitchen.blogspot.com/2010/10/red-chilli-spiced-pumpkin-chutney.html
My version has a lot more chilli in the form of 10 pods of the variety "Fish" and 8 pods of the giant sweet Aji I grew this year "Dedo de Mocha". It also took a lot more vinegar than that recipe to get the consistency I wanted (I may have started a bit too hot).

The above is a Salsa made from Lemon Drop pods. I used this recipe from William Woys Weaver: http://www.motherearthnews.com/Real-Food/2006-02-01/Aji-Limo.aspx?page=2
This one is absolutely sensational, especially with grilled fish. I'm hoping my lemon drops overwinter well so I can get a big harvest of these next year and make a lot more of this.

Lastly 2 different hot sauces.

I made these using the recipe by Chilliman64 in the second post here: http://www.chillisgalore.co.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3729&start=0
To mix things up I made a double batch of the base, split it in 2 and then added Orange Habs to one and Trinidad Perfume to the other. The Orange Hab one is just a nice hot sauce but the Trinidad Perfume one is really nice. Totally mild but with a really really strong flavour. I'm definitely going to be experimenting some more next year to make an even better "heatless hot sauce".

Anyway that's me. Small scale by some of your standards but I'm in sauce for now and I've got much bigger plans for 2011 now I've got the chilli bug.
Very good looking sauces and salsas! It's a good start to follow approved recipes. But soon enough you will come up with you own ideas. Let them flow and keep it going! You're on the right way and of course in the right company here. Welcome!
welcome, tai haku!

Your sauces look wonderful! and that walnut bowl is beautiful!

and the pods.....VERY NICE!

Very good looking sauces and salsas! It's a good start to follow approved recipes. But soon enough you will come up with you own ideas. Let them flow and keep it going! You're on the right way and of course in the right company here. Welcome!

Thanks! I'm already pondering ideas for next time; different citrus juices, different bases, garlic, ginger etc. I can see how this saucemaking could get addictive. I really want to make a singaporean "hainanese chicken rice" chilli sauce (people who've been to Sg will know exactly what I mean) I can keep long term so I have a goal to work towards.

Your sauces look wonderful! and that walnut bowl is beautiful!

Thanks SL - the idea for the bowl was that it (and a few others he's made for me) would be good places to store my change and clutter but I seem to only use them for photography as they're too beautiful!

Welcome Tai Haku!

Wow, great introduction - nice pepper harvest, awesome photography, great variety of sauces... awesome! Love the bottles/jars used too!


Thanks DD - I'm a sucker for nice looking jars and bottles to store this stuff in.