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My first year growing hot peppers(or should I say attempt) Pictures

Well I have been lurking on this site for a while now. I have learned lots of things through out the year from all of you. I am very eager to give it another go next year. I think that I will do a lot better. So i started during the winter inside and grew some from seed. everything was going really well. As it warmed up the plants went outside. All were healthy looking with big broad leaves. Then everything went down hill from there. I dont think i hardened them off correctly. Or my soil mix was off. But i have been struggling with them all year. Something i did stunted there growth. Either way Most of them made it and are now finally starting to grow. I am growing diferent 7's, yellow and choc. Bhuts, Naga morich,scotch bonnet, choclate hab, TS CARDI. I may be forgetting one or two. Now I am battling prolonged rain. All in all it was succesful year. Got to try at least some of the pods I am trying to grow. Anyways heres some pics.

My little group

7 with some weird lesions. On a few of my plants. Blight??

Leaf spots. Also on most of the plants. Its not too bad though. Hoping its just all the rain.

7 with some kind of issue. The leaves are wrinkled and discolored. Some are even almost white?

Yellow bhut finally doing well.

Naga Morich

Another group shot

7 that was very slow growing. Starting to grow now though. I like how it has three stems.

I have been killing a few of these lately too

As you all can tell I am just a noob! Any help, advice, or comments you have feel free to share. thanks for looking

Your plants look just like mine did last year. I had 50 plants most looked like yours, finished the year with about 6 plants that were nice. I'm on my 2nd year of growing now, plants are huge and beautiful but not a single plant has more than one pod. It is definitely not an easy thing for a non gardener to jump into. 1st year I think it was bad drainage, this year got the soil fixed but my location for the plants is too shady and I still have PH issues with the city water. Don't give up you will learn a lot each year and get better and better at it. I just wish I had the self control to learn with 10 plants instead of 50. That would be much easier but not as much fun... LOL.
Haha thanks beagle that was reassuring. I had some serious drainage as well. I'm going to keep the ones that look good and start again next year. Maybe do like three plants per ten varieties or so. Maybe try a raised bed as well. The wheels are turning. I just have to get some more super hot seeds. I wasted some incidentally this year. Also think there are ants in one of my pots. Is that bad?
This is my second year and I'm winging 500 superhots. I think I grew too many because I'm having way too much success and just swimming in pods. I installed a new irrigation system about half way through the season and they exploded in size and production. I dreamed of a garden like this, but thought my setup/growing skills still needed more development.

I am a product of the "THP" …learn everything I know about chillis from the pros here.

You can learn to grow to like me too!!

BTW, I'm still a newbie too!!
Welcome, mine this year looked just like yours, i have been spraying with copper, and I recently have tried smart pots to kinda help with the too much water/rain here.
Welcome, mine this year looked just like yours, i have been spraying with copper, and I recently have tried smart pots to kinda help with the too much water/rain here.

double on that. I have a big difference between my peppers in smart pots and the ones in plastic with water retention. I will need to see how it is over this year just to make sure, but i think the smart pots are stellar so far. Now i am going to try the tan colored vs the black ones to see how it helps with the freaking FL heat. I hate Orlando sometimes, sometimes mind you, not always :lol: