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My First Year Growing Hot Peppers!

Hey Everybody!

This is my first day on this forum... Actually, this is also my first hot pepper forum, too. I have always liked hot peppers and hot food, so I thought that I would try growing in containers on my deck. I'll post a link to my gallery on pepperjoe's site, rather than attaching a zillion pics, and you can have a look at how things are going, if you like:


Let me know what you think!
Does anybody know what the chances are for my datil peppers (c. chinense) to have been cross-pollinated by something else? I'm saving some seeds for my friends, and even though a cross of some type might be interesting, it would also be cool if these were purely datil seeds.
Your back yard is awesome. Personal pond or community?

About the cross, I would pull a pod from the middle of the plant. less of a chance of crossing.
They look really strong and healthy steve. Good job buddy.

Does your state have a problem with fruit fly and the like?

If so it would pay to get some specific traps to stop them before they kill all your hard work.

I don't know what they are like in your area but i had to learn the hard way about them (as did a lot of people on this site).

Just a thought is all...;)
Hiya Steve973 well damn fine collection of peppers there all healthy and at there full growing potential...theres always a chance of cross pollination if plants have been close together :)
That's a community pond where all of the runoff collects. Our area is part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, where all runoff has to be contained and managed. It's great because it gives the illusion that we have some property, and it provides some space/privacy that you don't normally find in our area that is packed with townhouses.
nice plants Steve...looks like you are going to enjoy some peppers this summer
I don't know what everyone here uses, for those of you who like to grow in containers. I used 1/3 each of generic potting soil, sand, and a great product called chesapeake blue. It's advertised as a "soil enchancer" that contains crab shells to deliver calcium to the plants. I have not had a single instance of blossom end rot in any of my peppers or tomatoes, and that's great since it's hard to maintain even soil moisture when you have really hot days and you're only in about three gallons of soil!
I tried one of the habaneros tonight. Well, to be honest, I did not actually eat any of the pepper itself. I cut it in half and cleaned it, then I touched my fingers to my tongue to see if I could get a little flavor. I did get some flavor, but then it erupted into searing heat, and that was with just an invisible trace of the stuff on my fingertips. I cannot imagine how hot these thing will be when I use them in food or sauce!

And just think, we eat those and hotter. :D

If it don't burn like fire and make ya sweat for 10 minutes, it's not that hot eh?