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My Frist Grow Season

So I joined the forum a bit late to make a grow log from the start like most of you have. But this being my first grow season I took a lot of pictures of the progression. I put a good bit of work into my first season so, and it is turning out pretty well and these plants are something that I am proud of so I want to show them off. So here is the progression of my season from the random pictures that I took through out.

When I got my seeds in the mail.

Here is the mirrored in room that I used to start indoors.

My Light getting set up.

The room all set up.

I think I read only 4 pictures per post so time for a new post.
They first started to sprout.

Size comparison pictures.These were all taken the same day. You can see some of the plants grew much faster than others.



This will be the last consecutive post by me here.

These are the pictures of the plants today.




I can't wait to try some of these when they get ripe. I got anxious and tried one before they were fully ripe, and it was not but not as hot as I expected. I hope that a fully ripe pod will be much hotter.

Well thanks for looking. Please leave any feedback for next season and for the rest of this one. I really got into growing these and I hope to continue and spread out my variety next year, or maybe even during the winter with indoor growing.
Looks Great!, Congratulations great first season start. No need to stop with the posting of your progress. That's the best part around here!

Dang nice lookin, I'm jealous. I'm just getting started with some nursery plants this year hope to get to grow some of the superhots next year
:think: I wonder if I guy can get Jolokia envy. hmm.....

:clap: Very nice. Those plants were in (Light) heaven....Bruce Lee, "Game of Death" Light heaven.
Thanks for all the praise guys. I will keep up the pictures with the progress once any of the peppers start to ripen.

The plants look healthy now. I went through a bit of a calcium deficiency with some of the plants a while back, and my germination % was awful. I 4/15 germinate using the baggy method, and then 7/10 just using dirt in cells.

If any one inst interested. I used Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil the whole time, germination to now. They went through 3 potting stages, 72 cells tray to 16 oz party cups to 5 gallon Lowes buckets. All I have used for nutes is Chili Focus and the occasional Epsom salt spray. I used egg shells for the couple of plants that needed the added calcium.
Then there is this plant. I am not sure what is going on with this one. I went on vacation and left my plants in my girlfriend's hands and I come back to one looking like this.



All of the lower leaves fell off and some of the other ones are yellowing and seem like they are going to fall off. It has been outside for I think nearly a month now so it shouldn't be sun damage. I think this is the same plant that had a calcium problem. Maybe that is coming back again and stronger?
Im also new to the pepper growing and I must say you have some awesome plants there! Something to be proud of for sure! Love the dog pic in the mirror, looks like a cool pup. Anyways, keep the updates up and let us know how things are going! Im happy to say that my pepper pods are starting to come in so I can hopefully get some cool pics up like yours soon!
Nice plants and pods.

It's normal for some lower leaves to yellow and fall, but that plant may have been over watered a little. Check the soil at the bottom of the container and if too wet let it dry a few days before watering again. You could also try giving it a dose of hydrogen peroxide, mixed at 2 tablespoons of 3% peroxide per gallon of water.
mesatrin I am using the baggie method w/peat pucks right now. Did you cover your cells during germination or did you leave them uncovered? How did you like that Ocean Forest Soil? I am thinking about trying it. As far as your vacation and over watering issue a self watering container would have helped. All she would have had to do was add water to the resevior and the plant would have taken only what it needed thus no over watering.
mesatrin I am using the baggie method w/peat pucks right now. Did you cover your cells during germination or did you leave them uncovered? How did you like that Ocean Forest Soil? I am thinking about trying it. As far as your vacation and over watering issue a self watering container would have helped. All she would have had to do was add water to the resevior and the plant would have taken only what it needed thus no over watering.

I covered the cells during germination. Transplanted any individual plant into cups when they were ready, leaving the rest of the seeds to germinate covered. One cell had soil and no seed and I had a probe thermometer so I could test soil temps and keep them around 80.

I would highly recommend the Ocean Forest. If you look through the pictures you see the one plant that is so much fuller and has all the pods on it, that container is 100% ocean forest. For the other I started to run out of the soil, and it is some what expensive to fill all those 5 gallon buckets with it. So, some of the other plants got a mixture of ocean forest and one of the Miracle grow products. It was about a 60(o.f.)-40(m.g.) mix so I didn't feel that bad about using the miracle grow but you can definitely see the difference in the plants. Also, the miracle grow ones hold much more water, while the ocean forest is a looser/softer mix.