• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My GLOG by KevinH now with My list for 2013 season..

Ok this is how I did this in this my first year.. I started every thing in a Jiffy seed house with lid oust side.. So I have 20 jalapeno plants 10 serono's , 10 pablano's , 10 anaham. O Habano's of the 2 made it past transplant..

So I transplanted them in to MG garden soil... Guess I will wait and see how they do..

Last night I started the last of my Habanero seeds. I am using my cable box as a heat pad. I am just useing a baggie and paper towl. I will post up how it works out.

I will be growing them in mushroom compost sand dirt and manure..

I will fallow the Pepper Joes tips for ferts.





UPDATE Habs as far as I can death by slug... Guess I need to give them Beer..
I'll say it before someone else does... PICS!

Welcome to the glogosphere, Kevin! Looking forward
to hearing more about your grow!

Good luck!
OK pics are up and posted Now if the darn weather would make up it dang mind.. I can all ready tell the ones in dixie cup's are not doing so well. So I will change that tomorrow. All so at this stage is it to soon to use soapy water to for bugs ??
Over watering them, them jiffy`s look saturated.

Your cups do have drainage holes right?

OK pics are up and posted Now if the darn weather would make up it dang mind.. I can all ready tell the ones in dixie cup's are not doing so well. So I will change that tomorrow. All so at this stage is it to soon to use soapy water to for bugs ??
Your germination rate looks good, Kevin. +1 Mezo. Watch out for overwatering.
The weather seems to be an issue all over the place this Spring. Hang in there, bud.

What signs of bugs are you seeing on your plants?
Yes they all have holes. With the rain every thing is staying real wet. They wont need water for a while. As for bugs I have a few plants that there first leaves have been eatin. LoL Its cool 99% of them are Jalapeno plants I'm sure. I am trying to germinate more habanero plants, to be honest I am sure I need a mat and a cheap walmart plastic bin. I have found a light and every thing at walmart for next year. I will start my plants in Jan. for next season.
OK gave my plants there first does of Epsom salt froma spray bottle and I put a bit of soap to get rid of the bug's..
You might wanna turn that bed before transplant time, and the best advice I can give now...is try to go easy with with nutes and chems till they get the 3-4th set of leaves going.For a good bit of soil primer info I'll point you to.......hah!Man i'd be typing for a while there(and still leave someone out!)-do some keyword searches, the soil info in the glogs this year is amazing.Yes,I took the easy way out of that one......MG soil will be a great no issue starter for sure.Welcome to the fold........oh, Paul would like some pics. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: , and you should find a great resource at the tops of your pages by stc3248... :dance: if not yet ...then soon!
Ok came back from my remote garden that I am renting. spent some time mixing the soil sand and compost. But it needs more to lighten it up. So i will mix in more manure and sand and a bag or 2 of MG garden soil.

Also I have gave up on bottom watering.. It does not seem to work with what I used for soil for my forst time. That's ok this is all mew to me. Might have one habanero plant , I didn't mark any thing so we will see what the pop with..Next year 114 starts on mats So that should be a much better way. Then the way I did things this year.

Just had to toss 4 plant's that faild to man up and grow..Also so I am on my way to get some dirt cheap beer. Dam slugs...

I will post more pics tuesday or so..
Hey Kevin, I agree with gnslngr on the nutes. I did however start giving my plants some fish fert after they got their second set of leaves. They are currently being hardened off and will be ready to be outdoors all day and night next week (got some rainy weather coming to us for the next 5 days) There are quite a few people on here that are against MG, but I figure add some compost and sand and possibly a bit more perlite (if still not getting good drainage) and it should be fine. If you don't have the means to do your own worm tea (like me) when feeding your chile plants, when they are ready for it, try not using slow release. The prroblem I found with it is it is based on tempurature. Living in Oregon you probably don't see a lot of 70+ degree weather consecutively like us here in WA. That's just my $.02 on it though. I will eventually be using my own worm tea as it is fast acting and 100% organic.
Good luck Kevin
Yea as mine get there 2nd full set I am going to plant them in the ground and see what they do. Based on all the info. I started way late. But thats fine I know know and will start my peppers on Jan 2. of each year.. As for the weather yea its 75-80 all summer. The soils there goin in to is soil/dirt , mixed with mushroom compost and sand.. My thought with the MG garden soil is 2 fold for one I have it and 2 I am hopeing it adds some spring ( sorry cant think of the term) so the soil stays light and fulffy. And the Manure more nutes to work with the Fish emulson. I wont use MG furt's. I would grow here at my place but the soil here is clay and I am in a duel plex so I refuse to put money in to it.
OK the hell with it I am going to start some Hanabero seeds late this month with a heat mat.. seeds are cheap and I could learn a few things for January when I start over 150 seeds.
OK looks as if I lost a plant again last night.. Errr.. LoL its a learning curve.. But I live in Oregon on the wet side, and the plants have never seen the indoors.. So I am prolly not doing that bad.. In the coming week's I will get A 2 tray super sprouter kit and thermo stat. Going to try some thing. Let the sprout under a dome with the mat and when they have popped the seed shell turn down the heat and and pop the vents out all the way. My thought is keep them warm but not over humid. I have a bunch of Habanero pods I bought to make sauce any way. Hell why not try the store bought stuff so I am ready for Jan. 3 2013.
Well made an offer on Egay for a Super Sprouter thermostat... Lets see how it goes.

Also this cold weather at night is killing me.. Next year start sooner.. And use a Light and vlear plastic at night... low 40's is not good...
OK picked up a boat load of Hab's from the store to cook with. I am going to take the seed and try a few differant germination methed's. Just differant soaks really Tea, water , water MG and I think H2o2. All with a heat mat. With a bit of luck they will have time to give a pod or 2..
OK Old Jiffy peat pucks + seeds = 0 % Germination. So In prepping for next year, The Rapid rooter brand and style plugs is now on my list.. Just glad I used my store bought seeds... New Pics of the girls tomorrow...
OK gave my plants a tad bit of water to day and Had 3 fall over the stems where like super thin where they fell at. To much water or to warme when I watered ??