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My god, who the hell don't I know. Boy in Balloon

if I comment, I will be the brunt of many disagreements, so all I will say is I am glad the child is safe...
well, it has to do with "ass whippin"
AlabamaJack said:
well, it has to do with "ass whippin"

We're going to a strip show? I don't follow you........


I was actually thinking kids' either going to get a big punishment or the whole thing was faked....not sure which way to swing on that on.
my thought was @who the hell has an experimental balloon at home, and if you do why the hell would you have it anywhere hear your kids? (what the fu"" is an experimental balloon? will it inflate/won't it inflate/will it carry the kids into space,, what experiment were they trying out?
first of all....there is no way.....

NO WAY....that balloon was anywhere near big enough to lift a 6 y/o child in the air....

TEN of them....maybe...

imaguitargod said:
When I was out in Los Angeles, I worked (actually, I still do the website work for them) for Final Print doing graphic design. We had a West side location as well and right above it was MyUMee Productions. We'd share clientel, hold orders until someone came in, etc etc. Nice people. they eventually closed up shop and moved on to bigger and better things.

Didn't think this was the bigger and better thing they had in mind :lol:

It's the six degrees of Passow!
imaguitargod said:
On another forum many years ago we played that game. It works quite well actually :lol:
Please don't bring that game here! :lol:
I love the term "experimental balloon" myself. WTF does that mean? How can a balloon be experimental? Either it floats or it doesn't. Why redo all the experimenting that the Montgolfier brothers already did in 1783? They proved it worked way back then.
I am leaning really hard towards a publicity stunt now...especially with the boys comment "did it for the show"
do a search for the family name on youtube. Brings up some intestesting stuff that happened previous to yesterday. A rap the boys did, their wifeswap episode...