• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

greenhouse My Greenhouse Plants..

Today I decided to bring my pepper plants out of the greenhouses to see the real world:) Kinda funny how the story goes.. My wife who has a serious brown thumb.. told me I might be "babying them too much".. It dawned on me.. 3 years ago I had the best grow year so far (given we had the weather for it) but still.. I had none of the knowledge I do know now, none of the online research I've done and they produced better and fuller.. After hand pollinating all of my plants in my greenhouse for the last 3 weeks I decided to let mother nature take its course and put them outside of the GH.. I read that without circulation pepper plants wont pollinate so I'm hoping the wind and bees will do it for me :) We will see how it goes. Once first frost comes they're comin in the garage.. And I'm gonna light my garage up lika f%$#in Christmas Tree :woohoo:

Btw.. I thought I would add a couple side notes..
Theres alot of talk that pepper plants can pollinate themselves. True. BUT. I've seen a bit of both..
I'm growing a good 35 pepper plants.. Everything under Habanero heat was self pollinating just fine.. about 90% of the flowers on my 3 varieties of cayenne, my serrano del sol has been 100% flower to fruit, and everything else in that heat range hasn't had a problem doing it themselves..But all of my superhots have had a serious problem going from bloom to fruit without my help.. which is why I decided to bring them outside.
I kept them in the GH for one reason and that was for pure seeds.. But I decided having peppers to harvest was more important. Besides.. Hybrids are pretty cool :)

Thanks for reading