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hot-sauce My hot sauce journey

Hi all,
I'm a chilihead in training and I wanted to share my experience with you guys with the first two hot sauces I purchased after doing some research on this website. I made the decision that I'm not going to go overboard with extract based sauces or anything that's hotter than a habanero on the scoville scale and since the Tabasco Habanero sauce was the spiciest sauce I've had I thought I'd move slowly up the ladder with a hot sauce called El Yucateco Kutbil-Ik Habanero sauce rated at 11,0000 SHU. My next choice was something I've seen on hot sauce websites before and that's Blair's Pure Death Sauce rated at 35,000 SHU. I heard both sauces have a lot of flavor and for a chilihead they're not really that hot.

I ordered the sauces last week and two days ago the El Yucateco sauce arrived first. I tried half a teaspoon without any chips or crackers and I just have to tell you guys this sauce kicked my butt!! It didn't make me cough or sweat but man, my mouth was on fire! It was painful but I highly enjoyed the pain. I wanted more! I couldn't wait til that night when I put some on my food and I ordered a steak burrito from a fast food joint and they asked if I wanted hot sauce and with a big smile I said, "No thanks, I've got something special at home." I used a drop on every bite and I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a burrito that much.

That sauce has to be over 11,000 SHU because Blair's Pure Death sauce just arrived an hour ago and I had a teaspoon of it the same way, no chips or crackers, and it disappointed me because it was actually less hotter than the El Yucateco. Can you believe that? They both have great flavor but as far as the heat goes Blair's was equal to the Tabasco Habanero sauce. I had to pull out the El Yucateco bottle again and take another teaspoon just to make sure my taste buds haven't gone haywire but sure enough it kicked my butt the same way it did two days ago. I knew Blair has hotter hot sauces but I was going by their SHU and 35,000 seemed like it was more than enough but apparently not.

Well, thanks for reading my story and if you guys have some suggestions for me you're more than welcome to share them. I also took a picture of the hot sauces so I thought I'd share them with you all. That El Yucateco is only 2 days old and by the looks of it I'm going to need to order another bottle before the month is over.


Sorry, I'll take that back. It wasn't exactly equal to the Tabasco Habanero but it was definitely less hotter than the El Yucateco. I have a bottle of all three so I pulled them all out and took another teaspoon full of all three and I can say with confidence El Yucateco is the hottest and Blair's Pure Death comes in at second.
I have tried other El Yucateco products at our local Mexican joint and have enjoyed them. I personally am not a huge fan of the Blair's items. I like the heat that tastes good and has a pleasant after burn. Something about the Blairs is just harsh to me.
I haven't tried either of those that you've mention.

I have tried hot sauces from "justaguy" and "Bhut Camp" and deeply enjoyed their products.

I have to say that Bhut Camp's "Count Douglah" hot sauce knocked me for a loop, but once I regained my composure I couldn't leave it alone!! :hell:
I'm afraid I find the El Yucateco very El Yuck-ateco. It has a nasty bitter, dirty taste to it. I do like Blair's though. Everyone has their own tastes.
I've tried a step up in the Blair's chain with After Death at 49,990SHU. I've also tried El Yucateco and I tell you they are both very hot, but the Blair's definitely gives more of a kick and a much better flavor. The hottest Tabasco is at 4k and isn't even worth my time. I enjoy Frank's much better for the flavor.

For future samplings though, a teaspoon is not going to cut it. The hotter you go, the more that is going to suck, lol. I like to sample a drop or two on a Triscut or tortilla chip before putting it on any food.

We are kind of in the same boat. I'd like to know what kind of sauce to step up to next! I seem to be a step ahead of you though :)
Hi, David, it's good to hear from someone who's going through the same trial and error with hot sauces as I am. I was thinking about upgrading to Dave's After Death but I also wanted to try another brand that seems to be a popular one among members here and that's Heartbreaking Dawns 1498 Trinidad Scorpion sauce. I wish there was a local store that sold all these hot sauces because I really hate waiting for them in the mail plus having to pay for shipping can get costly.

I hope you're able to find the right hot sauce to step up to next and let us know what it is. I'm looking forward to stepping up the heat factor in the near future myself. :hell:
Thanks Jen, I'm definitely going to do some research on the hot sauces you mention and see if any of them catch my eye. I'll let you know if I go one up on Blair's sauces as well. Last night I used more of the Pure Death sauce with my In 'n Out double double burger and fries and I was literally pouring it on my food like it was ketchup. I would love to find a hot sauce that has more heat and great flavor without using any extracts. My goal is to build up my tolerance enough to try The Hippy Seed Company's Skobiyan sauce. They claim it's one of the hottest natural hot sauces out there.
I would love to find a hot sauce that has more heat and great flavor without using any extracts.
Hmmmmm, perhaps I see some ZERO in your future. Just because 99.9% of the extracts on the market don't taste especially good (chemically extracted), doesn't mean they all taste a bit 'off' (non-chemically extracted). Wait a minute, did I give a hint? My bad.
Sorry, I'll take that back. It wasn't exactly equal to the Tabasco Habanero but it was definitely less hotter than the El Yucateco. I have a bottle of all three so I pulled them all out and took another teaspoon full of all three and I can say with confidence El Yucateco is the hottest and Blair's Pure Death comes in at second.

excuse me tony cappello..
cappello is your surname?
my mother surname is Cappello we live in italy.are you italian?bye
Hmmmmm, perhaps I see some ZERO in your future. Just because 99.9% of the extracts on the market don't taste especially good (chemically extracted), doesn't mean they all taste a bit 'off' (non-chemically extracted). Wait a minute, did I give a hint? My bad.

You have a point there. I've never actually tried an extract sauce so I shouldn't assume they all have a chemical taste to them. I checked out your website and that Defcon Zero looks like it's some potent stuff. I'll definitely keep you guys in mind when the time comes to upgrade the heat level of my hot sauce.

excuse me tony cappello..cappello is your surname?my mother surname is Cappello we live in italy.are you italian?bye

Sorry but Cappello isn't my real surname. I got it from an American musician named Tim Cappello who was in this '80s movie called The Lost Boys. It's kind of an inside joke between my friends and I.