Did a res change Sunday morning, up to 1.65 EC, and pH 5.9.
Look like a bit of an overall improvement, but I do have some concerns. Plants are reaching sideways but not up much.
Looks like more growth up top is surviving, but it has a weird, stunted fuzzy edge look to it. Also a slight dark/tan/grey coloration around the base and tip of some of the new leaves.
And the 'dark streaking' I previously observed only on Flower stems, I now see on at least one leaf stem:
Dark streaking on a flower stem. This blossom looks a tad deformed doesn't it?
The peppers themselves also show a bit of this dark streaking.
The dark streaks have no visible texture, so it appears to be under the skin. The tan scars however are raised. I'm assuming those are mostly old insect wounds from wherever these plants originally came from?
The old area that had the dying leaves is still putting up new dead tips and another dead blossom from the same area. Crappy pic, but it basically looks like a "roesette" of dead tips, which most nute-deficiency helping websites DO suggest as a Zinc deficiency. But I'm doubtful that's the case here.
There's also what appears to be two failed-leaves that somehow got fused together (center of pic) and look like an upside down ballsac...odd.
I'm actually wondering if the dark streaks could be some form of Verticillium wilt or another disease?
I've read that dark spots on the stems are only normally around where branches occur.
I know this is ALOT of variables going on to be able to effectively diagnose: changing nutes, transplant stress, custom lighting, yadda yada

But thanks to anybody who can take a crack at my rubiks cube!