food My jerky experiments

Well as some of you may know I got myself an 8 tray Excalibur dehydrator a little while ago.

After doing some googling on making beef jerky and reading threads here I decided to experiment.


Starting from the rear and going left to right.

1. Ol' Man Stillmanz Naga/Fatalli Sambal with garlic, soy sauce, ginger, salt, pepper cayenne powder and chilli powder.

2. My own Musthabs with salt, pepper cayenne powder and chilli powder.

3. Chilliman's Ghost Pepper Sauce with soy sauce, ginger, salt, pepper and honey.

4. Soy sauce with honey and garlic.

5. Ol' Man Stillmanz Devils Tongue Jerk Sauce with garlic, soy sauce, ginger, salt, pepper and brown sugar.
Pepperfreak said:
Sounds and looks very tasty. What is your favorite?

Still undecided the GPS from chilliman has the most heat and it's a delayed heat. It kicks in about 20-30 seconds after swallowing a piece.

edit: I think the Ol' Man Stillmanz Naga/Fatalli is on par with the GPS for heat and lingering burn.

chilliman said:
That has just made me drool all over my keyboard.
I think I will do a batch this weekend. ;)

After you clean your keyboard of course. ;) I'm still trying out everything and none of my ingredients are measured just a splash of this and that and then see what happens.
recipe that works:

Birdseye/ powder - a heap
Beef stock powder - a little
Apple cider vinegar - a splash
Soy - a splash
Worcestershire - splash
Pinch of powdered smoke
Brown sugar - a bit
Mix altogether into thin paste- Marinade for at least 24 hrs.

- wipe off excess
Then dust lightly with;
Cracked pepper
Garlic powder
Onion powder
- for extra hot dust again with chilli

In they go -
That sounds really good! I may give that a try this fall. I have been using Hi Mountain Jerky mixes because they are a dry rub that also contains the 'cure'. I just tweek them by adding my own chili powder mixes into it.

With your recipe am I correct in thinking that the jerky needs to be kept in the fridge?
Not so much depends on how long you plan to keeo it.
Months , not so much
Years, I would.

I have those kits too! INFERNO aint really so inferno LOL ! THEY ARE GREAT if you add extra;) !
I like Inferno if I add a mixture of Chocolate Hab and Orange Hab Powder (it's all I had at the time, this year I will try it with Buht Powder). I also like the Hickory blend, but I really need to add powder to it to make that one hot and spicy, but it turns out great.
I luv Choc hab powder !

I would like to setup and ageing cupboard - age 4 weeks, cut, marinade for a week, then dry. I think that would make top meat & jerky!

I plan to do alot of Deer and Goat jerky for me and the dogs too ;)
Well, now that hunting season is upon us, I may have to make some jerky for the long days ahead. Really got to make some chili too. Man I love that stuff when I'm out in the woods.
I'll have to keep trying out the jerky making 'thing' some of it is good other pieces are really crunchy. A little too long in the dehydrator I think.
the jerky looks good & the ingredients sound great.

as for wiping the excess liquid off, I leave it on to keep the flavor sticking to it, why waste what you spent into it & why go out of the way to wipe off the spices you're adding to it ?

nosho - go to walmart & get a nesco, cheap fair price & does the job.
chilehunter said:
the jerky looks good & the ingredients sound great.

as for wiping the excess liquid off, I leave it on to keep the flavor sticking to it, why waste what you spent into it & why go out of the way to wipe off the spices you're adding to it ?

nosho - go to walmart & get a nesco, cheap fair price & does the job.

I suppose my theory of wipeing off excess; is that its done it job ;) infused and broken down the meat, so that is your base taste... or taste you get toward the end of the chew. The dust of extra is a tongue taste and something that hits you straight away.
Just the way I make it :)
chilliman said:
I suppose my theory of wipeing off excess; is that its done it job ;) infused and broken down the meat, so that is your base taste... or taste you get toward the end of the chew. The dust of extra is a tongue taste and something that hits you straight away.
Just the way I make it :)

if you want to use more chile products & waste some of it, to each their own I guess.
by chance do you wipe off every meat that has been marinated with whatever before grilling/cooking it ? or do you use the marination or jerk paste or ? during the cooking ? if so whats any different ?
This is a different type of marinade !
Design for the break down of the meat for jerky. And not real tasty as a dehydrated glup on your jerky. It sorta ends up like vegemite if you leave it on.:)
I just try to keep it dry when it goes in.
If i were to marinade for BBQ or steak it would most definitely stay !
stillmanz said:
looks good RS does a good jerky as well I think he has some thread around with some recipes aND STUFF.

Thanks, I did read RS's thread to get an idea. Many of the ingredients I used were from his thread. Your Naga/Fatalli and Chilliman's GPS are definitely hot. The heat from them creeps up on you and hits you hard.