My Naga has just turned...mean

darlochileman said:
Im not getting involved in that conversation again!!
(it will mature to orange;) )

Glad the seeds turned into nice health plants.

PS Im not liable to any damage you do to your insides from eating one of these little firebombs

Hope your well

Ya, thanks again Mark. They are all turning nice and blue now....j/k, their turning orange.
Can't wait to take a crack at them next spring. Over the next several months, I'll immerse myself in Ravi Shankar music. That, and figure out what to do will all the peppers I am currently harvesting.
So the one that was the most orange got a crack in it and molded. So I took it off the plant and slicked a 1/4 inch square off of the part that wasn't nasty rotten. I touched it to my tounge a few taht's some heat. So then I bit off a VERY small sliver :mouthonfire: :onfire: :fireball:

Ok, now I know how far I'm going to get into the Naga when I finally have a fully ripened one to eat on bite. I'm actually getting nervous about this (no second thoughts tho. I'm definitly going to go through with this).
imaguitargod said:
Ok, now I know how far I'm going to get into the Naga when I finally have a fully ripened one to eat on bite. I'm actually getting nervous about this (no second thoughts tho. I'm definitly going to go through with this).

Look forward to that!!:mouthonfire: :fireball:

I told you the Naga rumours were true and they were mind boggingly hot (looking smug:lol: )

Maybe I should have a Naga growing challenge to replace the Whippets tail challenge next year?

i have a question about this. i love hot things, but i certainly have my limits. i have just recently started messing with habaneros, and i ate one of the seeds to see if it was hot, (haha) and my whole face was on fire.

i cant imagine this thing, which is supposed to be x times hotter than habaneros.

my question is, why do you want to eat something that is a million scoville units? isnt there just a point where its all heat and you cant even taste anything else?

i hear that daves insanity is 50,000 (i dont know how, its hotter than the habanero i grew..) and something that is 20x what daves is would be insane. at least, to me. :mouthonfire:
ross said:
my question is, why do you want to eat something that is a million scoville units? isnt there just a point where its all heat and you cant even taste anything else?
Well, first off, it's going to be an amazing endorphin rush. Second, I'm a guy, guys do dumb things. Third, I want to have the accomplishment of eating/attempting to eat a Naga under my belt. Seventeenth, the endorphin rush really is going to be amazing for this. Fifth, I'm dead inside and peppers are all I have (no, that's not actually true). Never underestimate the stupidity of a chili-head that drinks. :mouthonfire:

ross said:
20x what daves is would be insane
That would be me
ross said:
i have a question about this. i love hot things, but i certainly have my limits. i have just recently started messing with habaneros, and i ate one of the seeds to see if it was hot, (haha) and my whole face was on fire.

i cant imagine this thing, which is supposed to be x times hotter than habaneros.

my question is, why do you want to eat something that is a million scoville units? isnt there just a point where its all heat and you cant even taste anything else?

i hear that daves insanity is 50,000 (i dont know how, its hotter than the habanero i grew..) and something that is 20x what daves is would be insane. at least, to me. :mouthonfire:

ross you may have yer limits now, however if you experiment with peppers and hot sauce long enough, you will find that your limits will turn into goals!!! Man I beg for the HEAT, but I must say that reaching those goals can be painful!!:onfire: Ahhh! :fireball:
imaguitargod said:
Ya, over a while your tollerance gets built up. What most chili-heads call hot only gives my tounge a "tingle".

hm. i didnt know there was a tolerance to peppers. i have noticed that the jalepeno stuff is no longer even remotely close to what i consider hot..
The most I've eaten is one ripe pod in a meal for two.
It had me in tears, literally. Red face, runny nose,
the works. It had to be done but I'm not sure I'd do it again.
My spouse had similar trouble eating the chicken, garlic,
ginger and Naga treat which meant I had the second portion
for lunch at work the next day. I had to leave some of it as my
taste buds were still in deep shock from the previous evening.
Now I just use about 1/2 a pod, it's got the right balance of
flavor and heat.
It's getting easier, at first 3/4 of a pod was more
than enough. I like hot food, a large Chocolate Hab I can take,
a large sized Naga Morich is still a challenge!

Good luck!
ross said:
hm. i didnt know there was a tolerance to peppers. i have noticed that the jalepeno stuff is no longer even remotely close to what i consider hot..
Yep, the more you eat cap the more you can tolerate it.

ross said:
ps: are you really a guitar god?
Technically, no. One will never reach "god" status becuase when you think you have mastered and instument there will always be someone that will come along and smack you down the god ladder by showing you something outside your box of thinking. The "imaguitargod" handle was (and still is) my aol sn so I just ended up using that for all my internet handles.
imaguitargod said:
Yep, the more you eat cap the more you can tolerate it.

Technically, no. One will never reach "god" status becuase when you think you have mastered and instument there will always be someone that will come along and smack you down the god ladder by showing you something outside your box of thinking. The "imaguitargod" handle was (and still is) my aol sn so I just ended up using that for all my internet handles.

ill post an OT topic in the lounge about this in a bit. be sure to check :mouthonfire:
ross said:
i hear that daves insanity is 50,000 (i dont know how, its hotter than the habanero i grew..) and something that is 20x what daves is would be insane. at least, to me. :mouthonfire:

Isn't that odd? Dave's is supposed to be 50,000 and the weakest hab is supposed to be 100,000. Does anyone know what Dave's real rating is?
Philipperv said:
Isn't that odd? Dave's is supposed to be 50,000 and the weakest hab is supposed to be 100,000. Does anyone know what Dave's real rating is?

id like to know this myself :)

i ate 2 sauces tonight: fatalii fire and cape fear red savina, and they both TASTED better than daves, but they werent as hot, i think. my god that red savina one was hot though. and the fatalii one had me in tears. i love it :mouthonfire:

daves to me is just too hot. i put 1 drop in a whole bowl of chili. haha, but theres not much flavor, just heat. with those sauces i could taste other things, and it was awesome!