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My nose is on fire...

Yup, If you dont wear gloves it can result in some awful experiances. I never wear gloves and have learned to wash my hands with alcohol, but I tend to be real careful as not to get any on my hands. The oils dont bother my hands at all, but when I touch my face I can feel the burn. And yes when you go to take a squirt and have the oils on your hand, it results in one of the most awful experiances ever and make you want to smear sour cream all over your "buck and two quarters". You just want to curl up into a ball.

Also of interest: Rubbing the oils on pulled muscles or arthiritis works wonders.
Yup, If you dont wear gloves it can result in some awful experiances. I never wear gloves and have learned to wash my hands with alcohol, but I tend to be real careful as not to get any on my hands. The oils dont bother my hands at all, but when I touch my face I can feel the burn. And yes when you go to take a squirt and have the oils on your hand, it results in one of the most awful experiances ever and make you want to smear sour cream all over your "buck and two quarters". You just want to curl up into a ball.

Also of interest: Rubbing the oils on pulled muscles or arthiritis works wonders.

hmm that is good to know about washing with alcohol, I wasn't sure what I could use so I tried some olive oil lol, seemed to work I guess.. but yeah I had a close call with the oils the other day when I took a leak, luckily I didn't have much on my fingers and it just got a little warm.. but I've had a big problem one time when I had a bunch of Atomic Balm (like Icy-hot without the icy part, and a little more hot) and rubbed that on the inside of my thigh for lacrosse practice, and pretty quickly with compression shorts and sweating in the 90 degree weather that day.. my "area" was ON FIRE :onfire: and there wasn't anything I could do about it for the 2 hours of practice other than run funny lol, was a bad day, and never did it again.
I've come to enjoy the occasional fire in the eye, now that I know I'm not going to go blind. On a recent camping trip I was grinding a bhut in my hands to put in the stew when a gust of wind blew some of the flakes straight into my eye. Not much I could do but enjoy it.
^^ haha..

and RHB340, I am the same, but not for the eye burn that is still a little annoying for me, especially on the outside of the eyelid, for me the nose burn isn't bad, I just figure its one way to clear my sinuses! with some warm sensation lol
Let me share an amazing story. It happened a long time ago. Many years ago,when I was an up and coming chili maker, I decided to make a pot of blazing goodness. I went to my local market and bought an assortment of hot peppers, some of which were habaneros. After spending a couple of hours chopping all the ingredients and getting the chili in the crock pot to slowly cook overnight, I decided to go to bed, but before doing so I needed to take out my contact lenses.It became aparent rather quickly that I had not done a good job removing the hotness from my fingers. But I now had one lense in and one out, and my right eye was producing a flood that could be used by the fire department to extinguish a house fire. I knew I had to just go for it and get the other one out and so I did. Now the tears were flowing from both eyes and there was nothing I could do about it. The pain was unbearable. My vision is 20/200 in both eyes and so without glasses I am bout blind. I found my way to bed and after I had grown acustomed to the pain I was able to get to sleep.

Then the magic happened. I woke up the next morning and opened my eyes. No glasses on and no contact lenses in, and my vision was PERFECT!!!!! I was amazed. It had been since I was a little boy that I could wake up in the morning and see perfectly. I was amazed. But as expected this was only temporary, and within an hour of getting out of bed, my terrible vision was back. I guess the exposure to the hotness caused some swelling in my eyes and temporarily corrected the focus. Since that day I have been unwilling to repeat the experiment to see if I could make it happen again simply because the pain of the eyes burning out is too much to think about doing purposely.
Yep something similar happened to me but now I am half blind because of it maybe :} But I do remember the accidental nose picking scenarios, sure cleared my sinuses, now I have no sense of smell either? What the heck is next? Well I ain't putting no alcyhol down there, I still have nightmares of putting clear nail polish on chigger bites on the nuggets as a runt kid...CRRRRAAPPOLA

My worst experience was several years ago when i was getting frisky with the wife while I unknowningly had hunan hands, my hands never burn from cutting peppers so i usually dont notice it. its just everything I touch ends up on fire lol

needless to say I was banned from anything that involved touching the wife for several weeks..... :confused:
Last month I had a rabbit problem in my garden. They kept eating my corn sprouts and other stuff as they were coming out of the ground. So I ground up a bunch of dried Bhuts and sprinkled all over the garden. For 4 days I could not understand why the soles of my feet were on fire. I was like WTF is up here? The girlfriend is a nurse so I had her checking my feet out for athletes foot and stuff because my feet HURT! My dad was the one that figured it out... "You covered the garden in Ghost peppers then walked around in it a day later son..."
Last month I had a rabbit problem in my garden. They kept eating my corn sprouts and other stuff as they were coming out of the ground. So I ground up a bunch of dried Bhuts and sprinkled all over the garden. For 4 days I could not understand why the soles of my feet were on fire. I was like WTF is up here? The girlfriend is a nurse so I had her checking my feet out for athletes foot and stuff because my feet HURT! My dad was the one that figured it out... "You covered the garden in Ghost peppers then walked around in it a day later son..."

OK, so did the rabbits stop eating your stuff?
Did the same thing a couple of months ago with a bunch of fresh Scotch Bonnets from Jamaica. Didn't wear gloves to cut and de-seed about 20 peppers. My hands felt numb that night, and by the next morning they were on fire! Nose, eyes, lips, and schlong all felt the burn too. Next two days were very uncomfortable. Learned a valuable lesson though, don't mess around with peppers! Medical grade surgical gloves work for me these days whenever I'm handling anything hotter than Green Thais. :onfire: :dance: :hell: :P :party:
I never wear gloves when cutting peppers and rarely have problems. The key imo, is to wash your hands frequently with lots of soap and COLD water, and make sure your hands are fairly dry before/while actually handling peppers. Then remember to be careful with sensitive body parts for a few hrs after.

The only times I have ever felt pain in my fingers themselves, were when making sauce. Something about having wet hands while touching peppers, or the heat of steam while boiling them etc seems to let capsaicin sneak its way into your skin cells and give it some staying power (I've had the hunan hand feeling last for like 2 days straight). But absent this, I regularly cut up habs and bhuts, crush dried tepins, and swipe extract sauces from the sides of bottles with my bare fingers and never have a problem (unless I forget and immediately touch my goods, eyes, nose etc).

Then again I may just not be as sensitive as some people - I hear complaints of some people who's hands hurt after cutting jalapenos etc which seems basically unfathomable to me.
yeah, it's strange sometimes, a while after I have handled peppers, and I go to floss my teeth, I breath in and cough, kinda like pepper spray almost lol, or when you put a bunch of peppers in the food processor and then take a wiff of them right after (and yeah I usually do that, and it's not fun, but I still do it, no clue why, I guess I want to see how potent it is lol.. then I go get my dad to smell it haha)
steam and heat cause the skin's pores to open. Capsaisin will go in easy. When I worked at the steel mill years ago I wore full jumpsuit/monkey suits with long sleeves while working in front of a 1800-2300° furnace all day. Otherwise you get the equivalent of sunburn when the heat opens your pores and the radiant heat burns you while you sweat.