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my order from THSC

I have just placed an order with The hippy seed company. I just went through their website and picked what looked interesting/tasty by the picture and description. here are my seeds that are on their way to Ohio! I would love comments or pics of the plants/pods.
Butch T scorpion
purple tiger
numex twilight
ball chili
White habanero
I will start a grow log as soon as i get my seeds going.
Ahh another ohio person! I was going to order from them but heard horror stories about getting seeds into the USA. I would be very interested to hear from you when you get your seeds to see how it goes with US customs and if you have any issues.

edit: Nice list by the way :)
mmc...I havent had a problem at ALL oredring seeds from him. I only had a problem with ONE order, which included hot sauces. I let him know that I hadnt gotten the package, which I still havent to this day, and he said to give it a little while longer. It never came, so he re-sent, and it got here pretty quick. I know he is REALLY good with re-sending if your package doesnt get here.
firemouth...People have been saying here lately that their seeds have been geting to the US from THSC in less than a week! I'm sure that is not a guarantee, but its a lot better than it USED to be! It USED to take almost 3 weeks to get stuff here!
Thanks pooper...yea I wasn't concerned about THSC themselves..I fully trust them..i was worried about our damn border guys :)
Well maybe I will give em some more business next year :)
I got a few packs of seeds from them this year and I got mine in about a week also. Good luck and happy growing
If you are just now ordering seeds, will that be enough time for them to produce before the growing season ends where you are at?
most of these will be brought indoors when the weather gets too cold. as far as our growing season gos maybe mmcdermott1 could comment on this as this will be my first season putting anything outdoors.
Ordered some Butch T from Hippy not quite 3 weeks ago, they got here in less than a week. I have them in cups as we speak, and now I pray...
most of these will be brought indoors when the weather gets too cold. as far as our growing season gos maybe mmcdermott1 could comment on this as this will be my first season putting anything outdoors.

Well I will be honest..and this is just MY experience...I would not say its to late to plant some types. The wife and I have got some very late habanero, jalapeno, Tabasco, and others started really late. I will say though that some super hots, might be a problem. We tried starting bhuts the first time in like late april to early May and it simply didn't work because they tend to take a while to germinate. Don't be discouraged though..that could have simply been because of how we did it. We have learned a lot of new things since the first time. It's also still fairly early april so ya never know. If it doesn't work, then just keep trying just like we did. And your close enough to me firemouth that I will gladly send you some pods this fall if there is something you want that you didn't have time to get growing.
I got some butch T from the guys at THSC and had 100% germination.
This is a picture of one at 7 weeks old!!!

All the best mate


Its about 8 inches tall. Its been growing in the bay window just with the natural light and our house is about 16/18c. Gets about 6 hours sun a day. Could this be why its small?
Just starting to warm up here in the UK so hopefully will be able to put them into my greenhouse, where they can get alot more sun and heat. Temps still around 10c at night so i thinkd thats to cold right?

It might be... in my climate they usually bloom at 1 month under full sun.

I had a problem with an order from THSC, but it had nothing to do him or the fact that it was coming from Australia, it was a problem with my mail carrier marking all the mail with my name on it as incorrect address. He resent the order after the problem was straightened out and the seeds got here in 5 days. Most people don't have any problems, and he's good about resending if there is a problem, so I wouldn't let any concerns about that keep you from ordering something from them.

Good luck with the white habaneros...I've had zero luck with them from 2 different sources. Most of them wouldn't germinate and the few that did (probably 7-8 out of ~40 seeds) grew to about 3/4 of an inch tall, never put on a second set of leaves, then didn't grow at all for a week or so, then shriveled up and died. Not sure what's up with those, haven't had any problems like that with any other variety.
I ordered from pepper gal two times didn't get one plant all were bad seeds, called was supposed get refund. never got that ether. ordered from Tomato growers 100% germination, have white habaneros every where.Have sold 25 plants will grow 5 . good luck.
oh! hippy's seed got here in 5 days 100% germination