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my pepper dosent seem to well. [56k]

ok the pepper that cant seem to be identified is doing weird things. dropping flowers and stems. it has one pod on it and all the previous nodes have aborted. there is some new ones comeing but that could take weeks at this rate. i dont know what could be causeing the plant to not want to take more pods. its in a soil that seems to keep water a long time. and drainage is quite good on the pod so i have no idea. perhaps the PH is off? how would i check such a thing (without spending money if possible) if thats not possibe what can i try to get the plant produceing again? cuz i would like to see what this plant is like pod seem to be quite huge compared to all my other plants.

pic of the new nodes/lack of set fruit.

plant with lone pod.

soil. yes i have been mucking about with the crust.

and a huge picture of the whole plant to show the scale of node dropping.
Those need magnesium now!

Get some epsom salts, sprinkle some above the soil and water, then disolve a 1/2 to 1 whole tablespoon in a gallon of water and spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves.

You should see results in a day or two. If you dont act quickly, the leaves may start dropping.

If you have not been feeding them with any fertilizer or have but not in the past two weeks or so, I would do that now also!
Frolicking zebra nothings open till Tuesday! frolicking zebra in a field of flowering fennel. well i will do when the long weekend is over..
hehe funny i was kinda expecting that one. but it dosent look like thats a field of flowering fennel.
this is just my opinion, but I would pull that one pepper off the plant and let the plant grow some more...
N_FF said:
hehe funny i was kinda expecting that one. but it dosent look like thats a field of flowering fennel.

There's only so much Google can do...
Oh and I agree with AJ, the plant is probably struggling to feed itself.
I agree with AJ and Jimmy. Get that pod off of there! Small plants with big pods never produce much. You may even want to pinch buds for a while as it grows, that's what I would do. Go easy on ferts until it gets bigger.
well im lucky there was a store open that had epson salts so i sprinkled some on the soil and gave it a good watering with half strength fert water. and also i dont know if i have enough growing season to have a second set of pods ripen berfore the frosts.
N_FF said:
well im lucky there was a store open that had epson salts so i sprinkled some on the soil and gave it a good watering with half strength fert water. and also i dont know if i have enough growing season to have a second set of pods ripen berfore the frosts.

Jeez, it's in a pot, do you get frost inside your house? Bring it in on cold nights. Plenty of time left.
yea ill check tomorow when somethings actualy open.. but if i do find this stuff what am i looking for and how do i test the soil?
N_FF said:
yea ill check tomorow when somethings actualy open.. but if i do find this stuff what am i looking for and how do i test the soil?

The strips will come with a color chart. Mix some of your soil with water and insert the strip and compare the color to the chart. This is a very rudimentary test at best, but will maybe get you in the ballpark.

BTW, IMO the PH of the water you're using to water your pots is more important than the soil itself and most soil mixes are already PH balanced.
ok if the water ph is to high or too low what do i have to do to get them back to usuable levels?
Cross that bridge when you come to it, but lime and sulfur can be used to swing the PH up or down. Even baking soda can raise the PH.
I bought a pH meter online, you can get them as cheap as US $14, the ones with more options (Fertility, Moisture, Light) are more expensive but they all do the trick.

All you do is wet the soil where you are going to test, drive the probes into the soil all the way down and when the needle stops moving, thats the pH.
i might have to do that. but as it stands i am FLAT broke i mean i tried to buy some food today and my card got rejected.... so its going to have to wait.