seeds-germination My Pepper Seedlings

I planted all of these seeds except the Jalapeno and Anaheim Chili 3 weeks ago, those were planted 4 weeks ago. Im just curious if this is normal growth rate and at which time is best for the first transplant?

Large containers left to right: Holy Mole, Red Scotch Bonnet, White Hab, Bhut Jolokia, Choc Hab, and Carib Red.
Inner small containers: Anaheim Chili (6)
Outer small containers: Jalapeno (6)



cheezydemon said:
Seperate the multiples now.

Wait until the others are fairly root bound (probably a month or so) to transplant those up.

Yep. It's much easier to do the multiples now than wait until they have established roots.
I usually do my first transplant after the second true leafs show up, but i start with jiffys. As mentioned, look to see that they dont get rootbound, when the root starts gathering at the bottom its prolly the 1 thing that tells when its really time to transplant.
Thats for your advice, I was also thinking around the second set of leaf. I have them all in their individual containers now sitting in the back porch. Hopefully in a month or so I can transplant then to their bigger containers.
Waiting for the first true leaves or even the second set of true leaves isn't a bad idea. I tend to do it earlier so I can get it done. Basically all I do is fill a small pot with soil, poke a pencil into it then drop the seedling into the hole. A few taps on the bottom allows the soil to sluff in and cover the taproot. It's a little easier to do it this way when you don't have many roots.

Either way you're off to a good start!