seeds-germination My seedling keep losing leaves!

I pulled mine and reused the pot to pot up a tomato plant.

I think you have to be careful reusing a pot which may have had an infection. I've started giving pots and things a rinse in a bleach solution to be on the safe side before reusing them.

Anyone noticed that the hardware megastore has cheap 9 litre plastic buckets for about 80 cents, but a pot plant pot of the same size is much more? I think I'll be buying a bunch of buckets and using the drill to make some drainage holes for next season.

edit: Chillies and Tomatoes are in the same family so they can get the same diseases.
It didn't look diseased. Roots looked healthy.
I'm not really worried if that 1 tomato plant dies anyway as I have about 30 or more plants.
If it does well then bonus.

I just potted up another tomato plant into a bucket. Just drilled heaps of holes in the bottom and around the base.
Mitre 10 had them on sale a couple weeks ago 3 buckets for 79c.
I also have the same problem with my first true leaves yellowing. Only some of the seedlings are going slightly off colour but dont know if this is normal or if my leaves are going to fall off.

I planted the seeds about 4-5 weeks ago and have given them a little feed. Now I dont know if its a light that has burnt (excess heat/light) them being seedlings or if its nutrients. I gave them only a very small dose but fear it maybe too early.

Can this be remedied by leaving alone and just watering a little or do I need to do something.

Thanks in advance and I hope you dont mind me joining this thread



From what i've experienced and heard from the experts here, it could be:

  1. Over Watering
  2. Chlorophyll needs to catch up with growth
  3. Lack of light? not sure of that one, i think that causes leggy growth?

If you use too much nutes, your leaves will have a brown tinge like this:

2. Chlorophyll needs to catch up with growth

Sounds like the best bet. They have had a stint under some HID lighting so I think they may have had too much light. The leaves losing colour coincides with them going under the HID. Not sure if the roots are established enough to cope with it, as the Cayennes which are larger have no signs of damage. The veins on the effected leaves have started to go green again and the leaves are also going back green (in a fashion)

I am going to keep an eye on watering to make sure they are no too wet.
Alll right! that one looks good. So what did you do this time? How old is that one? Did you pot up that one from other soil into your own blend? Will you try to get the same results from your other seeds that were losing their leaves? Anything else for the good of the forum?

So many variables... experiments it is planting time.... game on.... :cool:
Alll right! that one looks good. So what did you do this time? How old is that one? Did you pot up that one from other soil into your own blend? Will you try to get the same results from your other seeds that were losing their leaves? Anything else for the good of the forum?

So many variables... experiments it is planting time.... game on.... :cool:

Yeah, baby! :dance:

Same soil (except a bit of vermiculite sprinkled on top a couple of days ago), same procedure, same ferts (or lack there of), same light, same temperature, same humidity, same everything...

...different seed.

I don't know, I guess it's either a bit tougher because it's an annum, or the Red Savina seeds I got just suck in one way or another. I'm still working on getting those back to health, so I've repotted them in various pot/vermiculite/perlite mixtures and they seem to be doing OK - as in "not dying", but they're not growing much yet - so I'll just have to give them some more time.

The ring of fire is about 3 weeks from germinating (very rough estimate) and is already the biggest planty and is currently towering over my 2-3 months old sickly Savinas. Idk... :(
It would be anti-climatic if it was just a case of bad seeds! Maybe some on the forum could get you some new Red Savinas to make sure. Would take a few more weeks to verify, but might be worth it.

For me, nothing like some C. Annuums to get some track history and build some confidence. Hopefully the little bit I've learned this winter will apply when I attempt some of the more prestigious super varieties.... :cool:
Right? After all the trial and error to find out it was out of my control? Yuck! :crazy:

But, hey - now I know a hell of a lot more about growing chilies than I did a couple of months ago, I know how to water them properly, I know how much light/heat they need, I've got the hardware all set up and running and my plant(s) are finally beginning to trive (sort of). So, it was definitely a good deal for me...

I'd gladly accept some Savina (or something similar) seeds from a kind stranger - I've got the light and the love, but I don't know how easy it would be to ship those to the EU... :( But if that's not a problem, I'm definitely down for some more Savina action! :lol: :eek:
Yea, same here for the learning curve. Thanks Forum... :cool:

If you don't get any offers for the Red Savinas from this thread, you might post over on the 'MarketPlace--pepper seeds' forum. Explain your plight... and you could offer to trade for some of your Ring of Fire.

Or you could bite the bullet and order some from the Hippy Seed Company. That place gets a lot of recommendations and perhaps the shipping time would be expedited since they come from Oz.

Good luck!

Yeah, I got some seed from Hippy actually, not the Savinas - but I got some red habaneros which I imagine should be kind of in the same "category" as far as growing goes. Pre-germiation commencing as we speak! :woohoo:

(plus I got some other annums just in case I suck really badly at growing chinenses :lol: )