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My Sept 7th 2008 pickings :)

Chiliac said:
What a nice harvest, lots of pods, lots of heat and it looks just beautiful. Well done.

Have you ever posted a pic of your raised beds? I'd like to see them if possible.

Well, I have in the past but not recently, so...here's an update:




skealo said:
Paul - Whats ur best tasting Hab and what does the datil taste like?

This is a hard question to answer because I like all Habs, but so far I think my favorite would be a toss between an Orange and a Lemon Yellow. The Chocolate has a great flavor too with more of a smoky, earthy taste. The Datils remind me of a more fruity tasting Hab and they are great too.
Thanks Potawie. I think that next year I might have to put in a couple more beds if I'm going to try and compete with your harvest though. :P :lol:
We just got some good rain 2 nights ago and I checked today and looks like I'm going to have another good harvest tonight. Hopefully, I'll be able to get pictures too.
Thanks for the pics, the raised beds look really nice, I am considering some myself, but didn't decide yet. Mine won't look as slick as yours though, I know that much already. :)
im diggin your setup, and the size of that harvest, i cant wait to redo my setup for next season and get a lot more plants to have a harvest that size, you should be proud.
Damn fine harvest there my friend and a damn fine layout in the garden you have there..Beds look really neat and looks like you have some room for expansion in the future :rolleyes:
Pepp3rFreak said:
Very Nice!

Thanks Pepp3r :) It has really been keeping me busier than I expected.

Chiliac said:
Thanks for the pics, the raised beds look really nice, I am considering some myself, but didn't decide yet. Mine won't look as slick as yours though, I know that much already.

Chiliac here are some pictures showing the progression of my pepper beds. I got the idea for them from here (THP). Here's what I did:
First I laid down a thick weed cloth and then gravel for drainage, about 3-4 inches. Next came the grow medium. I used a combination of compost and screened top soil. The redness of the block was sprayed on concrete stain that I picked up at Lowe's.

This bed I learned that it is better to dig out a flat footer for the blocks. This way the blocks can rest perfectly on the ground. Not too much work, just lay the weed cloth right over the sod.



allXbutXgone said:
im diggin your setup, and the size of that harvest, i cant wait to redo my setup for next season and get a lot more plants to have a harvest that size, you should be proud.

Thank you. I am more proud that I managed to grow anything since this was my first year! I credit it all to everyone here that has helped along the way.

hixs said:
Ok my keyboard is now wet with slobber!damn those look good and congrats on the harvest.

I hope that you have one of those plastic protective covers...LOL

talas said:
Damn fine harvest there my friend and a damn fine layout in the garden you have there..Beds look really neat and looks like you have some room for expansion in the future

Thanks Talas, I only wish that my wife was as forgiving and understanding as AJ's. My wife has put her foot down on any further expansion of the garden. However, I am thinking about making some beds in the front yard with those stones that AJ showed. I think that if I can make a bed that has some sort of pleasant design to it, she might go for it.