I have posted this before, but it's been a while!

4 cups of Any salted peanuts(not honey roasted)

2-3 tbsp of any homegrown hot pepper powder

a few drops of olive oil

It is amazing what this does to peanuts!

I like peanuts OK, but seldom eat them.

Every once in a while I mix up a batch of these and it is almost as good as jerky!

cheezydemon said:
I have posted this before, but it's been a while!

4 cups of Any salted peanuts(not honey roasted)

2-3 tbsp of any homegrown hot pepper powder

a few drops of olive oil

It is amazing what this does to peanuts!

I like peanuts OK, but seldom eat them.

Every once in a while I mix up a batch of these and it is almost as good as jerky!


Why not honey roasted? I love sweet and hot! Did you try it?
You just toss them around to mix around the oil and seasoning? Or do you mix it up and then throw it in the oven for a little bit to sort of solidify the seasoning to the peanuts? Sounds good either way. Now I just need some homegrown peppers.
xgrafcorex said:
You just toss them around to mix around the oil and seasoning? Or do you mix it up and then throw it in the oven for a little bit to sort of solidify the seasoning to the peanuts? Sounds good either way. Now I just need some homegrown peppers.


Honey roasted might be OK, but SWMBO loves them so I am not allowed to taint them....:lol:

Somebody else try it.

No cooking needed. THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've made spicy nuts before, but not with crappy peanuts :shocked:
instead I use cashews or almonds & pan fry (cook) them with honey & chile powder (your choice of chile)

BTW I've been wondering what " SWMBO " means ?
Wov its good idea. I'll try today. Actually I like spicy very much. I don't know why but I like other than I. I Hope it'll delicious for me.
Helloooooo, does this tag sound familiar to anyone ;)


did anyone say spicy nuts?
cheezydemon said:
Peanuts get a bad rap, kinda like beans.

Anything cheap is considered crappy.

I LOVE me some beans.;)

well not in my book, I like beans & dont want to get into the beans thing ya know ;):lol:
for me, peanuts dont have a good flavor!
I'll eat them if I have to but I'll buy cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, pistachios before I'll every buy regular peanuts! just cant stand the taste.