This is my final list of what is actually in the garden and growing -
Black Krim
Carbon (x2)
Pantano Romanesco (x2)
Cour Di Bue (x2)
Vorlon (x2)
Black Cherry (x2)
Sungold (x2)
Yellow Pear
Grace Lahman
Monomakh’s Hat
Brave General
Cowlick Brandywine
Pink Ponderosa
Purple Russian
Dr Wyche’s
Golden Sunray
Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (we just call it green malakite)
Golden King of Siberia
Green Zebra
Cosmonaut Volkov
Everything seems to be growing fairly well, even the Dr Wyche's which was just a stem when I planted it (all the leaves had fallen off, and only 2 of the 6 I started germinated). My sister had problems with this one last year too, I don't know if this is just a difficult tomato to grow or what.
I also just built most of my CRW cages, and they are looking great. Can't believe I have been using standard tomato cages for these OP varieties in the past.
The only ones in my list that I have grown in the past are Yellow Pear, Green Malakite, and Grace Lahman, so lots of new things to eat this year I will post a few pictures next week after the holiday.
Black Krim
Carbon (x2)
Pantano Romanesco (x2)
Cour Di Bue (x2)
Vorlon (x2)
Black Cherry (x2)
Sungold (x2)
Yellow Pear
Grace Lahman
Monomakh’s Hat
Brave General
Cowlick Brandywine
Pink Ponderosa
Purple Russian
Dr Wyche’s
Golden Sunray
Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (we just call it green malakite)
Golden King of Siberia
Green Zebra
Cosmonaut Volkov
Everything seems to be growing fairly well, even the Dr Wyche's which was just a stem when I planted it (all the leaves had fallen off, and only 2 of the 6 I started germinated). My sister had problems with this one last year too, I don't know if this is just a difficult tomato to grow or what.
I also just built most of my CRW cages, and they are looking great. Can't believe I have been using standard tomato cages for these OP varieties in the past.
The only ones in my list that I have grown in the past are Yellow Pear, Green Malakite, and Grace Lahman, so lots of new things to eat this year I will post a few pictures next week after the holiday.