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My ummm first pods of the season

I kept my habanero plants in a greenhouse over winter and planted out a few weeks ago.

When I was watering them the other day I noticed ripe pods.... Fantastic you might think, but look at the size of them.


I'll need a lot of these to make a sauce :P
or you just make enough sauce for one bit of steak...:lol:

At least you're getting pods.....even with my overwintered plants i'm still a good month and a half away from getting any ripe pods...:(
Aw tiny little Hab pods, how cute! Mine did the same thing on the very early pods and then the later ones all grew up to be big bad Hab Pods. You are also right, about the heat, in fact, I almost think that the small ones are hotter.
There may be something in that theory - I've often found that's the case. My first harvest of Bonnets last year were small, but they were as hot as hell.
small pods are so cool looking...you look at them and say, heck, they are so small they can't hurt me...umhuh....then they smack you so hard, your lips get to the hospital before the ambulance does..
I've tried a few of the small orange habs off my plant and was really surprised at the heat. I've eaten small slices of grocery store habs on triscuts with cheese and some hot sauce before, but these weren't anything like that one. I only had a TINY slice of it and lit me up. Gave me pepper belly too. Very impressive for the small size.
I eat the "berries" from my Carribean Red and Orange habs all the time, just for the experience.

Nothing like eating a full sized pod, but they still give you the sweats and a killer mouth burn with the warm tummy.