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water needs

I see amazingly different posts regarding watering needs, from every other day to no more often than 2 weeks.

Looks to me as if in my case:

With the current hot weather combined with the plants increasing size, the Naga's and the Thai's need water at least every 3rd day or they begin to wilt.

The Caribbeans seem to do a lot better when things get dry. I have yet to see them wilt although the soil in their containers is just as dry as the others. I guess they just dont need as much water.

Came home today and the Naga's and Thai's were all starting to wilt, while the Caribbeans didnt show any signs of wilting at all.
Those look real good. I just got my Caribbean back to looking like yours. It was great for about a month and then it went through a yellow leaf dropping phase, which has finally ended and now I have some decent pods on it.
AlabamaJack said:
Gotcha...that is why I chose not to join the homeowners association in my neighborhood (glad I had the choice)...bunch of busy bodies with nothing else better to do than try and find some silly violation...MHO
That's why as soon as I can I'm getting a few acres and keeping away from everyone. Watch out for my yard. It'll be the one with a barbeque and occasional guns going off in the back yard!!:hell::lol:

Edit: Also, Skyjerk those are some pretty plants you have there!