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My worst plants this year are..

Once again, even after trying different seed sources, my worst plants this year are definitely my Numex pinatas and my Chimayos. The pinatas are just very slow growing, and the aphids seem to love them. I actually tossed them in the compost recently:( The Chimayos grow well but branch out too much and fall over. I think I'm going to make a hanging basket out of one of them.
I should also mention that most Numex varieties seem to do poorly for me???

What plants are giving you a hard time this year?
My worst by far have been Brazilian Starfish. I wish I had a picture of these things. They looked great to start with, but began slowing growth in comparison to my other baccatums. I only have one left, and it's in a raised bed looking exactly like it did when I planted it. No new growth at all, while my other baccatums are growing like weeds, strong and green. The pods of this variety looked interesting, but I don't think I'll be growing them again unless this plant finds its second wind soon. Hell, I might even pull it in a week and replace it with a monstrous 7 Pod brain strain variety.
The winner of "Most Finicky" goes to the white hab again this year.

For the "Don't Like This Pepper" I'm going to kill off something that was supposed to be Hawaiian Sweet Hot but turned out more like a poblano. Don't like it green or red.

And for the "Doesn't Look Healthy" award, I'm going with Aji Amarillo. Just potted one up the other day. We'll see how it does.
My worst plant this year is all of them I planted in the garden..... Maryland has had so much rain and my back yard is like a swamp...... They all have not grown that much still very small..... My only one good plant is a bhut jolokia that I put in a 2.5 gallon bucket with drain holes....
hmm, my worst plant(fake "naga") is one from last year. It makes a decent amount of flowers/pods but leaves looks like crap. Very yellow.. just ugly I might say.
my worst is a cumari passarinho. Plants the same age as it are already flowering and the cumari has like 2 sets of leaves
Got to go with the Peruvian White Hab. Started five seeds, had one germinate and it hasn't grown an inch in the past two months.
Katrina said:
Goats weed !!!!!!!

Having trouble with Goat's weed? Mine have grown like... well... weeds to say the least. Have you potted up? They seem to like that. Mine looked a little sad till they hit new pots/the ground and then they bounced right back.
patrick said:
Got to go with the Peruvian White Hab. Started five seeds, had one germinate and it hasn't grown an inch in the past two months.

chillilover said:
White peruvian hab or should I call it yellow because of the leaves?

My issues with the hab - stunted growth, yellowing leaves - were a root issue. Some perlite and bone meal fixed them right up and prevented the wrinkled leaves too.
patrick said:
Got to go with the Peruvian White Hab. Started five seeds, had one germinate and it hasn't grown an inch in the past two months.

I had the same experience back in January when germinating. Only one seed popped, eventually developed one set of true leaves and decided it was done growing. Sat like that for about 6 weeks and then dropped dead. Very frustrating but will give it a go again next season. I'd like to know your seed source as I suspect we probably both had the same one. Shoot me a PM.