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My worst plants this year are..

An inch high since January?:shocked: Any pics? By the end of April should have been up to 12 inchs high depending on the plant species.
WOW.....Mine has been the Red Savina....I planted 10 of them. Of which 2 are still alive.....Barely. Maybe 6 inches tall, and leaning way over.
chillilover said:
An inch high since January?:shocked: Any pics? By the end of April should have been up to 12 inchs high depending on the plant species.

yes i can take pics. they stoped growing long time ago but i didnt throw them away. my better plants set buds a month ago and they didnt even turn into flowers yet. i guess thats because of lousy weather we have here. there was frost alert 3 days ago and thats almost month after last frost date :/
finally few od my best plats have some flowers and even little pods.
Worst germinator: Fatalii! No germination of seeds from two sources no matter how I tried. Peat, soil, paper towel, incubator...

Worst survivor: only one Cayenne plant of many seedlings survived. But it produces pods like crazy.

Greatest sufferer: Uganda chinense! My new puppy chewed on it and subtotally destroyed it. Amadeus even chewed on pods and didn't moan at all! A real chili dog! Or hot dog? :lol: Now that plant has a cage. I hope it will recover.
My worst plant this year was promptly dug out of it's container, tossed into the waste bin and the pot was flushed, and applied some dolomite and a little fert and now hosts a cutting thats exploded with growth.

Any plants that are weak or slow that I have not been able to improve get chucked right away, waste of space.
Armadillo said:
Worst germinator: Fatalii! No germination of seeds from two sources no matter how I tried. Peat, soil, paper towel, incubator...

That's weird Dillo, I had 100% germination of Fataliis from 2 different sources. 10/10 But I managed to kill a bunch by being dumb with rockwool. All my worst plants died basically, and what's left are all doing decent. Some lagged behind, but a lot of those eventually caught up, that's why I don't like to chuck anything in the seedling stage. I had an early Purple Tiger that was doing great until my cat decided I didn't need it.
I almost forgot the purple jalapeno: it's not hot like I thought they were supposed to be but the red ones taste almost like cherries, so I can't complain too much. Right now I think it needs a dose of ferts. I've been neglecting it a bit since I picked all the pods to tame down a batch of salsa.
I should also mention that most Numex varieties seem to do poorly for me???

My worse plant has been the Bhut Jolkia and the Trinidad Scorpion. Not sure why, but those 2 varieties seem to overheat and struggle while under the 1000 watt MH light. The same plants right next to them do fine and don't wilt at all. Since taking both varieties outside to a much cooler shaded area both varieties have come back quit a bit and have tons of new growth. Oddly enough my best growing plants are the new mexico variety cochiti and the Chimayo. They Chimayo are easily twice the size of all the other plants, but I did have to bury them deeper when potting up becuase they also have a tendecy to be top heavy and lean over quit a bit. I had to put a stilt on most of them, but the biggest one is almost 12" in 7 weeks of growth.
My White Bullet came down with something gnarley and went to hell in a few days. And an Aji Limon that was by it sorta looks pretty bad too.
My worst are Cherry Bomb, Red Penis Pepper, Habanero Neon Yellow and Jamaican Bell that didn't even germinate. The ones that did germinate are growing equally slow except for Ancho, Red Hab and Misqucho Colorado (PI 152225) which are growing like weeds (not pot!) for some reason. Maybe they really are crosses expressing hybrid vigor?
Another poor variety for me this year is the cascabel. I've always had a strange variety and have been trying to improve it for several years, but this year all my plants' leaves look sick and there's very little production. It looks like I need to start with a better strain next year since this is one of my favorite mild chiles for rubs, chili powder and sausages. They are also part of the holy trinity of Mexican mole peppers which I love so much.
Mine have to be my 3 red savina plants. One week they look great and alot of new growth, then the next week they decide to drop half their leaves. Now they have resorted to donig this cycle every 3 days.
Right now my worst are my Serrano and Aji Lemon. Both are making pods but have never greened up well or become bushy. Tall, spindly and somewhat weak looking, I've thrown everything at them that I know, probably too much. I'm just leaving them alone now and living with whatever I get. Too bad as I think both of these are great and plan to give them another try next year.

Aji Lemon pod - Tasty little babies with decent heat.
My worst plants are:

A chocolate habanero that was infested with aphids.

An orange habanero that died out due to aphids but has since come back with pods all over the place.

Both habaneras have been treated numerous times but the aphids seem to really like these plants and keep coming back to them.

Fish pepper has two flower pods but doesn’t look as if it grows.

Chile negro pepper looks like it fights grasshoppers every night.

Wenk’s Yellow Hot is starting to come around.
Ciao all-

The top part of one of Duane's Hot Paper Lanterns died of unknown causes, but has since put out growth from the bottom and is doing quite nicely. Fortunately, this happened right after hardening off, so it's had a chance to catch up to the others. He lost the battle with Fatalii early on in the germination/seedling phase, so it's interesting that some of you are having the same issues with it. I'm thinking he'll go with a different seed source for next year. His Brazilian Starfish is the biggest plant of the bunch, well over 4 ft tall. His worst plant is ironically, a hybrid, Holy Mole F1 which is undewhelming him with its production so far. It's also one of his shortest annums and doesn't really feel like growing or doing much.