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My worst plants this year are..

worst plant. lone jalapino hasent flowered yet...

suffering. my poor unknown hybrid. it has a rather large pod on it but all flowers or placenta's that take soon turn yellow and drop. im sad.
My worst plant is my Lemon Drop. The leaves will just not stop curling upwards. Its in the same DWC as my Hab and Purple Tiger and they are doing great.
my bhut jolokias are giving me trouble this year, mostly because i don't know where they are as none have set fruit and i lost my markers. same for my scotch bonnets, but i think i found them at long last. i'm not worried as i have an abundance of chiles this year. i should say an OVERabundance.
Dundicut. I germinated two seeds in late March and gave one to a colleague. We are now almost in August and I have not had as much as one flower on the thing, neither has it's sibling I believe. They both form buds but they die off before even looking like a proper flower bud. It has now been dumped out of the greenhouse in a corner of the garden next to a fence and left to it's own devices.