• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


Some times a certain place gives free samples, if everyone hit them up at once the they would stop... Me bringing it up was sharing so please get off my back Armac.

For those who figure it out keep in mind, blatantly saying it in a forum would slow down your chances of getting it any time soon.

Loose lips sink ships http://www.facebook....?ref=ts&fref=ts
Some times a cirtain place gives free samples, if everyone hit them up at once the whey would stop... Me bringing it up was shareing so please get off my back Armac.

For those who figure it out keep in mind, blatently saying it in a forum would slow down your chances of getting it any time soon.

Just welcoming you back after your last departure. Try to calm down........

Btw no more pm's
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has anyone here used this stuff with rapid rooter plugs and seedlings? is it necessary? will it hurt them?
All it is are spores of a benificial fungus, I'm no micro biologist but I doubt it will have any negative effect on seedlings.

It is also possible to farm it once you get your hands on it, with a little google you should be able to find a tutorial for farming mycorrhiza

Here is some info on the subject
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All it is are spores of a benificial fungus, I'm no micro biologist but I doubt it will have any negative effect on seedlings.

It is also possible to farm it once you get your hands on it, with a little google you should be able to find a tutorial for farming mycorrhiza

Here is some info on the subject

Right, it really shouldn't have any affects on seedlings and you can also find myco growing under layers of leaves and mulch in your own yard. I have been "farming" my own by placing a small layer of grass clippings over a good sized area and then just placing my plants in pots on top of that. The roots grow through the clippings but use the myco growing under the mulch layer. A very noticeable difference in growth.
When I pot up I always use Premier Pro-Mix BX, or a similar product from Premier that incorporates myco. Always have great results.

P.S. I have no affiliation nor do I receive any financial benefit with the above mentioned company or product.
I thought it was a bacteria too. Worm castings in a cheese cloth like a tea bag and put that in a 5g bucket of water with a bubbler (like from a dwc). This will grow the bacteria. After about 2 days, use the juice to water the plants. It will not only help the roots obtain additional nutrients, it will strengthen the immune system of a plant and make it resistant to disease. Apply to the leaves and stem too, it will populate the soil....but thats my .02c.
I thought it was a bacteria too. Worm castings in a cheese cloth like a tea bag and put that in a 5g bucket of water with a bubbler (like from a dwc). This will grow the bacteria. After about 2 days, use the juice to water the plants. It will not only help the roots obtain additional nutrients, it will strengthen the immune system of a plant and make it resistant to disease. Apply to the leaves and stem too, it will populate the soil....but thats my .02c.

mega are you positive about that?

Worm tea is one of the best things you can feed your plants for sure. Here's a great little recipe: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&sqi=2&ved=0CGQQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgroundtoground.org%2F2012%2F03%2F29%2Fhow-to-make-and-use-worm-tea%2F&ei=q6XrUMLEM-Wm2gWE0YHYCQ&usg=AFQjCNHgbNJkYh833LRa4IW4DIU2XiR6eQ&sig2=GJKZZWLmn3d3I0wcUery-g&bvm=bv.1357316858,d.b2I&cad=rja

It needs to be used within 12 hours or so of brewing or it will lose it's effectiveness.
I coworker farms worms for castings and said that you should seed the water for a day or so in an oxygen rich solution, like a bubbling bucket of water. I'm supposed to try this in the spring for a test of it.
I coworker farms worms for castings and said that you should seed the water for a day or so in an oxygen rich solution, like a bubbling bucket of water. I'm supposed to try this in the spring for a test of it.
All you need to know
Myco is a Fungi
WormTea/AACT can contain Myco, but it has other beneficial bacteria, amoeba, and protozoa in it. The trick is (Actively *Aerobic* Compost Tea)

The Soil Food Web:

You can easily ''make'' you own. One of the best fungi for your garden is trichoderma, the most common contaminent in micology. Just prepare a fertile substrate (like brf/verm) and leave it in open air for a few hours to allow airborn tricoderma spores to innoculate your jars. Keep in a warm area and wait.. When your jars turn green/blue they're ready to toss in the garden.

Easy as baking a pie.