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Mysterious Jungle Pepper

Thank you for the offering but I would be happy to send you some seeds with no trade. Maybe I can send to one person in the states and he can distribute among the rest if anyone else is interested. Well, let me know
From a quick google search, apparently Petenero is a local Honduran name for Rocoto although they certainly don't look like C. pubescens
They are definitely not pubescens. Ok, let's do one thing. Let's round up a list of interested in seeds and we also need a volunteer to distribute in the states. Now... if someone can give me some pointers as to how best to get the seeds from the ripe pods it would be great. I do not want to ruin them by mishandling. Ok then... we're on
The way I do mine is cut the pod open, then take a paper towel and with a spoon or butter knife and scrape the seeds out onto the towel and let them sit out and dry in the cabinet out of the sunshine. Just let them get completely dry. And store in cool dark place till next year and plant And by the way I would be interested in seeds joe
andres said:
They are definitely not pubescens. Ok, let's do one thing. Let's round up a list of interested in seeds and we also need a volunteer to distribute in the states. Now... if someone can give me some pointers as to how best to get the seeds from the ripe pods it would be great. I do not want to ruin them by mishandling. Ok then... we're on
But I'm not from the states. :(
okie joe said:
The way I do mine is cut the pod open, then take a paper towel and with a spoon or butter knife and scrape the seeds out onto the towel and let them sit out and dry in the cabinet out of the sunshine. Just let them get completely dry. And store in cool dark place till next year and plant And by the way I would be interested in seeds joe
I do exactly the same, the seeds shouldn't be bendable.
I will volunteer to be the clearing house and send them to whoever wants seeds in the states. PM being sent with address. Thanks andres.

All I need is a list of who wants the seeds and I will take care of the rest.
OK then... Omri where do you live... I will try my best to send you seeds but overseas mail isn't very reliable in my part of the world.
AlabamaJack said:
I will volunteer to be the clearing house and send them to whoever wants seeds in the states. PM being sent with address. Thanks andres.

All I need is a list of who wants the seeds and I will take care of the rest.

perhaps some for the seed Parcel ;)
if there are enough (*** you're readin' my mind?***)
andres said:
OK then... Omri where do you live... I will try my best to send you seeds but overseas mail isn't very reliable in my part of the world.
Well I'm from Israel. :)
If you are willing to give it a try, it will be greatly appreciated. obviously I will pay for the cost of it. :)
Hola Andres

I would like very much to have some seeds of those, please. I'm from Portugal, and could trade gladly with you. I´ve swapped seeds with a few people from Guatemala, and there was no problem at all. You just send them as you would to de U.S.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance
OK my friends. I have thoroughly tested these chiles. They are very habaneroish but there are differences. I found them to be a bit mild, but that could be just me because my friends were constantly running to get ice after trying them. I have saved some seeds and have quite a few of them. So, if AJ is still willing to distribute in the US then we are un business. How about it?
I sent you a PM with my mailing address andres...

I am ready to start receiving and distributing...

You are very generous to do this andres...
I feel good to have something to offer to the community and it is not that expensive. Friends from Portugal: I will see what can be done, because as I said overseas mail is not very reliable, but I will check it out.