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Mystery Pepper Plant

Anyone else thinking these are Tabasco peppers? Or are they looking different now?

They might be a frutescens, but I doubt they're Tabasco. Tabasco flowers are more green-yellow, and the pods start off almost white ripening to yellow, orange, then red.

The flowers and the leaves look annum to me, beyond that I'm not sure. Keep us posted when they finally ripen, and maybe a closeup shot of a flower couldn't hurt.

Edit: Here's my Tabasco for comparison. Like I said, could easily be a frutescens because my Thai peppers have similar looking flowers, and many of them have upright pods...

What difference does it make? do you wish to sell/trade them and in need to properly label? just enjoy them.
I only like the fleshier C. annuums and I find the rest not so likable... I'd grow something else to give away to the family.
I ate one green and it was very serrano like taste wise, but with heat near a orange habenero. I'm not really a huge fan of serranos...I don't really know enough yet to know what kinds of peppers are C. Annuum are serranos?
Serranos are C. annuum and the flavor you describe is the general C. annuum, peppery flavor. C. annuums don't get as hot as orange Habaneros.
i think it is more important the taste they have than it is to use a name for them

if you do not like the taste or something else about the peppers you need to decide if you will

"try" them on the family? :woohoo:

i see alot of people who grow "ornamental peppers" (i have no room for)without so much as a word about taste

if you will not eat them why grow them?

edited because "now" you did eat some (thank you)

common name for those may be "chili de arból"

it is translated as "tree chili"
I had no idea what they were when i got them at a local greenhouse. The women selling them wasn't even sure she just said they were extremely hot. It was like 1.75 for four plants so I decided why not?

Anyways, I have so many I want to try for next season now after visiting this site..and I'm going to grow tomatoes for the first time next year as well...I'm so bummed its going to be fall soon.
swill there are still so many things it could be especially if this guys seeds were open pollenated, looks like several varieties I have growing, grows like de arbol, most of the thai varities, takanotsume, tobasco, and many others bearing upright pods, though the shape of the pods(most notably the squared of bottm) rules out pure strain of arbol, tobasco,and some of the thais, if u were 100% sure it was a pure, I might lean towards thai dragon, or takanotsume(aka japonese).regardless of what it is, even if u never know the propper name, and this is extremely likely, enjoy it for what it is, a very nice looking plant in your garden, then if you like the taste save seeds and grow again, a good tasting chile is a good tasting chile no matter what the hell u call it! :hell:
P.S. the pepper plants look great be proud ur doing a fine job so far keep it up!
i cant help you out with the plant, but the wooden pot that its in looks like it came from George Washingtons time. was it an old wine barrel?
further on down the line when you look back on this you may find as others have stated
if you like the chili for it's eating attributes it does not matter if you refer to it as "chunky booger soup"
if you are eating it and liking it call it whatever you want.

the locals of an area call things (and chilis ) by the local name
so they can understand just wtf the others mean
we can always use a fancy schmancy name for your things if you like

a chili de arból means a different chili in a different locale and in ohio
you can call yours what you want maybe you can call them "wood barrel chilis"
the name ain't gonna change the eating any :eek:

First harvest!! Only a few but they were actually really good now that they are ripe. They had a much sweeter flavor, and quite a bit less heat than when I ate a couple green. They went good with tacos from last night :) .

I saved some seeds...however I may just get rid of them, I don't think I'll bother growing these again.


Can anyone tell me what these mystery pepper plants are? I was sold these at a green house and was only told they were hott, they had no idea what they actually were. They think they come from mexico but were unsure. Some guy came in with the seeds and had the owner of the greenhouse grow them for him...i was just buying some excess that he didn't buy.

Any ideas?? The suspense is killing me!!!

Oh btw, this is my first post! I've been reading and looking at grow logs, seems like a great community here and i'm also obsessed with peppers.
Hungarian wax?