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plant Mystery Plant

Hi there guys, just need a little help with a mystery plant that i have growing?


The chili turns to a nice glossy red, and has a medium heat to it and sneaks up, which lingers around.

Thanks for any help.


Hi Flex

Its definately neither Mirasol or Twilight, the Mirasol has a different growth pattern and pod shape to those in the pic. The foliage is no indicator at all, there are just so many varieties out there that its impossible to make this sort of identification.

Whatever it is it looks nice to me and you seem to be enjoying it, so I would not worry about it too much. Where did the seeds come from in any case, it may wll be a hybrid from a friend or something if you do not know what it is supposed to be.

All the best

Thanks for the update Guy, the thing is i bought this plant from my local Bunnings (Hardware Shop) and it had Inferno on the tag, but it is nothing like a inferno....

So i am really stummped.
Hi flex,

Your picture reminds me of a Tabasco plant I grew a few years ago although its probably not as it looks like the flowers are white.

Do the flowers have a greenish tinge with blue anthers?
