chinense Naga/Bih/Bhut Jolokia compared

Pam said:
Well sure, but I would still like to see the Bhut, the Naga, and the Trinidad Scorpion grown together under controlled conditions and tested.

If they were grown together under controlled environment, would that be fair to each plant? Doesn't each one thrive in a different environment? I already answered this. Seems each thrives in a humid, wet environment with different temperature variations. T.S is almost constant 24C/76F 26C/79F year round, while the Bhut and Naga have a huge temperature range (from ~ 15-50C).

This coming spring, I am planning on crossing Bhut with Trinidad, Naga with Trinidad, Bhut with Naga. Each will be polinated both ways so I will have 6 F1 hybrids. Just wondering how this north Texas climate will effect the plants.
AlabamaJack said:
If they were grown together under controlled environment, would that be fair to each plant? Doesn't each one thrive in a different environment? I already answered this. Seems each thrives in a humid, wet environment with different temperature variations. T.S is almost constant 24C/76F 26C/79F year round, while the Bhut and Naga have a huge temperature range (from ~ 15-50C).

This coming spring, I am planning on crossing Bhut with Trinidad, Naga with Trinidad, Bhut with Naga. Each will be polinated both ways so I will have 6 F1 hybrids. Just wondering how this north Texas climate will effect the plants.
I'll be working on some crosses myself.
Thinking of Scorpion - Naga, 7-Pot - Naga, and Giant White - Naga.
QuebecFire said:
and where is Dorset naga in this ??I did'nt read anything in this about it ??

I have tried to get the Dorset Naga seeds. Can't get them into the states without going through the USDA (which I have done and actually have import permits in hand). I have a letter to the UK Dorset Naga growers/producers sitting on my desk with a blank check in it ready for mailing but they have not returned my emails of inquiry about how much to make the check out for. Kinda aggrevating since I have gone thru all the trouble of getting my import license. I have seen that the naga morich and dorset naga are essentially the same pepper. I am sure I will eventually get the dorset seeds but may not be in time for the 2008 growing season.

as far as the climate for the dorset naga goes, they are grown in poly tunnels with controlled environment.
Aj, send me a PM.
I found the Dorset Naga, Naga Morich and the Trinidad scorpion all grew very similar with slight differences in pod shapes but they seemed to ripen differently. All of them had inconsistent shapes. The Bangladesh market Naga I grew was more consitant in shape but likely not as hot(have to do more testing this coming season). My most productive plant was a dorset naga but it was also started earliest.
I'm also working on some crosses, but just crossing two super-hots isn't what I'm looking for. I'm looking more for unique shapes and good flavor. I'm thinking of trying to cross an Aji limon with a bishop's crown. My goal is to add a little flavor and heat(and possibly color) to the general shape of the bishop's crown. I'm also thinking of fatalii(or choc. hab) crossed with chupetinha and maybe some sort of cross with the Guadaloupe hab. Hopefully in time I'll get something interesting.
I have a lemon drop cross habanero looks like a hab but with lemony flavour thats a nice easy medium heat good for salads fish and chicken dishes... the options are pretty endless.
JAHaworth check out he has the best explanation I've seen on the net.
Hi everyone,
I am curious to know from all the Jolokia growers who have produced seed. What is the most seeds produced in your jolokia plant chili pods
Naga,Bhut,Bih Jolokia does not really matter.
I have read that on average that the Jolokia produces about 20 seeds per pod. anyone out there find this to be accurate ,or do you find higher or lower seed numbers in your ripe pods?
the reason I ask is I deseeded one pod over christmas and it produced 71 nice seeds from a single pod. at .50 cents each ,thats quite a chili pepper. hot mother too. ok all thnaks in advance

Nice looking pods. I've never had anywhere close to 71 seeds, usually around 20. If I(and many others) had 50 cents for every seed I sent out I'd be a wealthy man.:)
Nice looking pods. I've never had anywhere close to 71 seeds, usually around 20. If I(and many others) had 50 cents for every seed I sent out I'd be a wealthy man.:)
ya thats the CPI price,,,10 seeds for $5us...
UK price at Chiliseeds UK are 5 pounds for 10 seeds.

Holy crap .50 a seed ! 1 package alone I could get about $15

Wheres DevilDuck on this one he should be cashing in
Im really glad these were a gift from a staff member ...
i keep track of the remaining seed count on pods see if she consistant producer or just a fluke.

AlabamaJack said:
If they were grown together under controlled environment, would that be fair to each plant? Doesn't each one thrive in a different environment? I already answered this. Seems each thrives in a humid, wet environment with different temperature variations. T.S is almost constant 24C/76F 26C/79F year round, while the Bhut and Naga have a huge temperature range (from ~ 15-50C).

This coming spring, I am planning on crossing Bhut with Trinidad, Naga with Trinidad, Bhut with Naga. Each will be polinated both ways so I will have 6 F1 hybrids. Just wondering how this north Texas climate will effect the plants.

AlabamaJack, there should be no need to pollinate both ways - according to this Mendel Museum it should not matter which variety is used for mother and which is used for father. Result will be exactly the same... (Source: Mendel Museum -
Of the 8 Naga plants Ive got growing one is definitely different to the others, Ive labeled it a Naga Scorpion...Its bloody hot, battery acid taste, all the pods are exteremly wrinkled & bumpy & have the little pointy tail akin to the Scorpion variety, the pods off this plant are nasty!!



A comparison to my regular Nagas

Hi Billyboy,

Every now and again you do get a naga with a scorpion like tail (scroll down to Naga Morich/Trindad Scorpion cross post) and see the pics.

Ive saved the seeds but am not very hopeful of growing of stabilising a plant which can consistently produce pods with this characteristic.

HI Darlo, I too have saved all the seeds from this plant, its has been isolated as well so Im very interested to see if the next gen produces the same pod shape, I have been taking cuttings from this plant as it has been my favourite plant so far! For what its worth I got the seed from our mate Tony of Naga Seeds :)
Billy remember your friends when you start some cuttings... could be more sauce in it for you lol by the way your package will be sent tommozza wrapped and ready to roll, should be in your hands Tuesday as long as Oz post dont piss fart about. Enjoy.
