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"Naga/Fatali Jamaican Jerk Paste" Ol Man Stillmanz

When i was at Sawtell Chilli Festival, Bent gave me a few things that others gave to him to give to me to have a sus of. As we all Know i love Naga's and Also Fatali's so when i look at a bottle and see Naga/Fatali Jamaican Jerk Paste i get Excited as on the back it also says "1 Drop at a Time"

So we Have my 2 Fav chilli's in the World, 1 drop at a time, So thats got to say something and Stillmanz made it, No more said there :)


It's so New , its Not Labelled I DON'T CARE im so going to do a Vid of it, Give me a sec (tick tock)
OMG Heat has never been this good, The Second i opened the bottle, the Flavours Jumed into my nose and it was Divine, it was a Fatalish naga Fruity Tang nice and sweet but i could smell the heat as well, I knew this was going to be Special and i wasn't Wrong, i loaded the spoon but had to give a good shake as its nice and thick, well it is a paste. But as it started to flow it kep going and stayed on my Spoon (Tablespoon as Usual). This time i wasn't worried bout the keyboard as Bent gave me a rubber 1 especially for sauce testing (as i killed 1 with the DM MKII by spilling lots on) Top Bloke :).

As i taste it my taste buds go into Orgasm mode as its Beautiful, Straight away a Sweet Fruitish Fatali taste that is then melted with a Nagaish flavour, just as imthinking "ooooh" then a sweet Pineapple/fruity taste joins the party and im in heaven, WHACKKKKKKKK goes the Fatali into the back of the throat and radiates forward into the tounge and front of mouth as the Naga slowly Kicks in and picks up the heat, meanwhile the lingering fatali/naga fruity taste is still there and im loving it,, its Building at the 2 min level still YAY, im sweating too, fogging up, Whoooo Hoooooo bout 3 and half min it sort of peaks and the burn is all over and constant, the taste is still lingering, and its great, THIS IS BRILLIANT as its a Great Taste and Hot as Shit, so i tottle off during the 5 min break i have and the tongue picks up a bit heat wise and the lips are going still, i come back do the 5 min later and all is good and can feel a tingle still a good 15 min later.

I said i was gonna Have it on Steak for Dinner but didn't have that, Soooooooooooo whats spaghetti bolognese without Naga/Fatali Jamaican Jerk Paste, um not as good as this..


Notice i still can't get into the "1 drop at a time concept" oh well, but i ended up giving the wife the poops as during she asked "what are you mumbling?" "This is the @~@!$%# Best Spaghetti Bol ive ever had in my life" (and as i hate spag bol and would rather have my testicals sucked by a commercial vacuum than eat it usually) "its because you put that stupid sauce on it, isn't it?"

"yes" and even though i said her cooking was Great, No Better, it didn't help, oh well at least i have the Naga/Fatali Jerk Paste to keep me company

don't Believe me, get some and Try it if ya can, Oh My

take care
cool Neil...right before I watched your video, I had just PMed Stillz and asked him if he had any new sauces.... :lol:

good review and I definitely want some...
theHippySeedCo said:
Thanks mate, im in love with the Paste hahahahahahaha its sitting next to me now, so i just look at it awwwwwww its beautiful..

haha yah you did seem particularly enamoured with this sauce.

I was cacklin at the video.. the girlfriend came and asked me what was so funny :lol:
Fantastic sauce - I had some on bbq chicken skewers ...but yeah, not that much & it still hot as...& tasted great.

In all the excitement I put the link up too :lol: now I gotta go moderate my own post :D
RingburnDave said:
haha yah you did seem particularly enamoured with this sauce.

I was cacklin at the video.. the girlfriend came and asked me what was so funny :lol:
Haha same here.
niel as ever bloody great review..made me smile on a cold morning,still when can we get our mitz on some and are your doing anything else with fatlais?:);)
I've bottled a batch today, almost killed me.
22 bottles in total..... 75% fatalii and naga, 25% Ol Man Stillmanz
jammed into a 150 ml bottle.
(ingredients: naga morich, fatalii, apple cider vineger, lime juice, salt and pepper and my secret dried jerk seasoning.
I'll post up how to get the stuff tonight (oz time) in the Market sauce section. with pics.
it will be quite expensive.

I just tasted a bit and I don't know how neil ate a tablespoon.
this stuff is one drop at a time.
