chinense naga jolokia questions

I have about 3 PC-1 plants growing and my brother has about the same.

They don't have a great taste in my book, (only good for basic hot sause or adding heat to a meal). And i would say there heat is on par with a cayenne, about a 4-5/10.

All My PC-1 plants are slighty different. i.e. one has the fruit erect, one has the fruit growing down, and one has the fruit growing slighty fatter than the others.

I have been told that this is not uncommon in this variety...
Having visited dozens of sites and forums, I'm convinced that true Naga Jolokia and Bhut Jolokias are indeed the same plant. Some Indian forums use the terms interchangeably, often in the same sentence. I've seem images of the plants they posted and they are nothing like the skinny things in the above image. I suspect that somewhere along the line, someone sold some seeds that were not true Jolokias and labeled them as Naga Jolokia.

I know one seed company that quit selling NJ seeds this year over concerns they are not what they claim to be.

My searches also led to a forum where lots of members were talking about a Kacha Morich pepper that tasted hotter than any jolokias. Alas, I didn't bookmark the pages and Google doesn't turn up much.

wordwiz said:
Having visited dozens of sites and forums, I'm convinced that true Naga Jolokia and Bhut Jolokias are indeed the same plant.

Luckily you are now on the Hot Pepper, where we shall taunt and abuse you until you see things our , i mean, the correct way.
A name is just a name but without that name how can someone order and pay for something and then get what they intended on buying?

I have yet to see the Naga Jolokia name associated with the Bhut Jolokia from New Mexico State University nor with the Naga Morich from Bangladesh. It is exclusively associated with the Indian PC1 Tezpur chili as listed on database:
andy999 said:
how does it taste? heat and flavor ,or only heat?

I grew the naga jolokia last season thinking it was a real hot one like everyone else only to get scammed. like moyboy said heat is about cayenne hot. taste is not high up there but its not nasty either just better off using them for cooking in meals.
The name Naga Jolokia has been hijacked by the seed marketers, and in the seed world is not a C. chinense.
You'll never here about anyone growing a Naga Jolokia unless its a pc-1 type. I know of dozen of people who have been dissapointed over the years, and thats why I brought this topic up. The older info suggests that there is a C. chinense version but that is the Bhut/Bih or Naga Morich/Dorset, there is no other one called a naga jolokia.
Here's an example of how these lousy peppers are marketed. Lies!

Naga Jolokia (Indian PC-1)

Chilli Heat Level 8+
This striking and very useful chilli from Assam an area in India close to the famous city of Tezpur, renowned for bringing us some of the hottest varieties around. 21/2" chillies, The chilli has a cited heat level of 855,000 SHU

£4 for 10 seeds

See pic near bottom of page
yes it is a shame when the scammers make a buck on the innocent new growers just trying to get what they want.

for seed there are a few places that have certain strains.for sure pure bred and HOT!

for BHUT Jolokia go to NMSU.CPI just google it
for Bih Jolokia contact Frontal Agritech in India,they ship world wide
for Naga Morich ask here at The HOT Pepper website.
I may have an opportunity to grow a few plant in a large commercial greenhouse this season,if this happens I should make several thousand Bhut Jolokia seed from Assam Seed plants.meaning my seed is only one generation from the landrace seed from india.

so remember to be Nice this season and maybe santa will drop some Jolokia seed in your stockings.

yea, its all really stupid. I would just stick to bhut jolokia or naga morich, from a reputable seed company though not off ebay.
for Bih Jolokia contact Frontal Agritech in India,they ship world wide
Interestingly, their site is one of the places that states that Naga Jolokia is the same as the Bih Jolokia. "Recently, this chilli has been in limelight as the “hottest chilli on earth” by the name Nagahari, Naga Moresh and Naga jolokia which are nothing but mere synonyms of Bih jolokia."

It seems logical to me that some salesman with the scruples of a spammer bought a bunch of seeds (maybe cayenne or something similar) and passed them off as NJs and thus have given the chili a bad reputation.

Its not that simple. The Naga Jolokia(Indian Pc-1) is also from Assam (or nearby I believe) and they have been available a lot longer than Bhut's or Nagas
Ya wordwiz,
its very confuseing sometimes,I would suggest doing some research before placeing an order from an unknown supplier,unless they are a CPI certified member,or in high standing with a good reputation for happy customers. It seems that it is this way in a lot of things nowadays.
I can vaguely remember when a mans word and a handshake were all that was needed.

potawie - ditto heres another example of how its marketed, & get a laugh how they word the last part like naga jolokias are the real deal & beware of fakes like naga morich :rolleyes:

"Thin skinned and wickedly HOT. You will get plenty of SUPER HOT fruits that check in around 800,000 scovilles.Good flavor similar to the Indian peppers. Be aware: Others are selling Naga Morich (it has pods similar to Bhut Jolokia) as Naga Jolokia."

if you're looking for a cayenne type heat chile then go for it & buy naga jolokias/pc-1, they seemed to produce better than cayennes, but I havent tried other cayenne hybrids just comparing to normal cayennes.
Honestly, the best thing here is to realize : Dont try and save money and purchase seeds off of ebay or some rip off site. Ask some fellow growers before purchasing, or even ask them for seeds. You will be much better that way.
you know since we're on the naga jolokia topic.
why does cajohns sell & label their pods as "bhut jolokias" which seem to be correct but label their powder & the hot sauce they make using those pods as "naga jolokias" talk about confusing.
I bought the Naga Jolokias thinking I was getting something that was molten hot only to discover my 9yo daughter likes them like a red bell pepper ... so if anyone wants seeds :rolleyes: