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Naga Morich Pollen

I've grown some Naga Morich plants from supermarket brought peppers (Fatalli.net ones), and they have grown very well. They are now starting to flower profusely, but the antlers aren't producing any pollen before they fall off. Is this normal, or is it because of something else? Perhaps lack of nutes, lighting, or perhaps the chili plant is a hybrid from mass production amongst other plants?
just give them a little time...you might hit them with some epsom salt (read, 1 Tbsp per gallon) and a shot of phosphorus (read, a fertilize with X-3X-4X or something like that)

Most fertilizers that are for blooming/fruiting have a lower N content...

Too much Nitrogen could be the culprit....

What kind of fertilize are you using and how much?
Cheers AJ. I'm using Chili Focus 3-0.9-4.3 once a week. Plus when I repotted them into the larger pots I powdered up 8-10 calcium supplements (inc magnesium).
That's the one thing I can be sure they get enough of. I have 6 high power red spectrum led bulbs on them 24/7, then during the day a 300 watt blue CFL. I've been using a soft paint brush to try to pollenate them and to some extent it is working. I can see pollen on the end of it and some of the flowers are now turning to chili growths. However I just expected more. Perhaps it's because the flowers are quite small?
Not sure, heres a few flowers from a Bih Jolokia thats not getting enough light (on purpos, to keep it from taking over the grow room before the season starts).


Those flowers appear young, but they are a few days old at least.

Heres a typical chinense flower with lots of pollen:

Which do yours most resemble?
So in answer to your question RK, they are more like the last picture. It's just that in my limited experience last year I had some chilies that produced a whole crap load of pollen and these are not really in the same league. That said I have at least 5 pollenated flower turning into chilies now os I think it's all golden.

: groove :
One thing I have noticed is that my annuum flowers produce a crap load of pollen but chinense flowers produce only a little bit.
IMO Your photos look like my light starved flowers, now that could be a nutrient or light related problem, either way, whenever I see a plant with that kind of problem, getting it some sunlight fixed it within a week (when a new set of flowers bloomed). If you have a south-east facing window maybe you can move it and some of your lights to that window and see if it improves.

Also, some bloom ferts as eariler suggested might help too :)

And about the photos, I use a regular digital camera with a standard zoom lense, except I hold infront of it the eye peice of my binoculars (which comes off by unscrewing the rubber padding) and then it's only a matter of getting the subject in enough light and at the correct distance from the lense and then a steady hand during the exposure :)