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overwintering Naga Morich Winter Project

Heres the latest on the "peppers".... :cool::lol:


peppers are hard to keep green im noticing, I still have little bit of yellow on the new growth, is this a normal thing?

getting the right balance of fertilizer and ph, is not easy for peppers.

whats the best fertilizer for peppers, i read 11-11-40 is good?.
First, what sort of potting soil are you using? Does it have fertilizer in it?

Second, you really shouldn't need to fertilize seedlings at this stage more than once every three weeks to a month. Remember that too much is as bad if not worse than not enough.

Third, I would consider an 11-11-40 fertilizer far too strong for seedlings. You're going to burn them up! I wouldn't use something that strong on large plants in pots more than once a month or every 6 weeks.
I would suggest a fish emulsion that has phosphorus and potassium as well as nitrogen right now, and not more than every two weeks.

And finally, I'm not seeing any yellow in your pictures. New leaves are usually a paler shade of green than older leaves, you're not mistaking that for yellowing, are you? You're plants look really nice, I think if you just relax and enjoy the growing a bit, both you and they will be fine.
Pam said:
First, what sort of potting soil are you using? Does it have fertilizer in it?

this.. organic fertilizers...

Pam said:
Second, you really shouldn't need to fertilize seedlings at this stage more than once every three weeks to a month. Remember that too much is as bad if not worse than not enough.
Third, I would consider an 11-11-40 fertilizer far too strong for seedlings. You're going to burn them up! I wouldn't use something that strong on large plants in pots more than once a month or every 6 weeks.
I would suggest a fish emulsion that has phosphorus and potassium as well as nitrogen right now, and not more than every two weeks.

Yeah not doing too much fertilizer right now, using a very very very small amount of a 10-15-10, and good amount fish tank water.. I am noticing it has helped the color, but have been battling little yellow spots on the new leafs from the beginning, before fertilizers.

I will upload some closeup pictures tomorrow.

Im sure everything will be fine, i think your right i need to relax and not worry about the little things. LOL.

thanks, i will post more pictures soon.
oh by the way. heres the mix of my soil...

Mix #12 Germination Mix

Milled sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite, propagation perlite compose the main ingredients. Dolomitic limestone, gypsum, organic soy meal, steamed bone meal, sulfate of potash, kelp meal, rock dust and All Natural + are the additives to give this mix a high level of nutrients.

.. i will stop all fertilzers for now....
Well ok here’s the best picture I could get from this old camera. I think what’s actually going on, is just a little too much organic fertilizer in this soil. We will see after I dry out the soil little bit more, I will flush them out, and see what that does.

Nagas looking really nice, not bad for under a month from start. Some of them are allmost ready for transplant. Soon I will choose 5 or 6 of my best nagas to keep under the lights. The rest I will give away, or put in the window.


Ok I have added couple more 24inch fluorescent lights, soon to be 8-lights X 17watts each = 136 watts = just over 1 amp = very little energy usage. Sooooo I have chosen to go in this direction with the lighting for couple reasons; the temperatures, energy use, cost, and the color of the bulbs have proven them selves before. you will see, muahahaha.. muahahaha.. sry... lol..


Ok heres an update...

Ok I have transplanted 8 of my best plants into bigger pots, and they and remained under the fluorescent lights.

Right now I am just trying not to over water, or underwater.

To transplant I have used miracle grow organic choice soil. Peppers love organic soils, they seem to have all the fertilizers they need right now. I have stopped using fish emulsions that have about a 5-2-2 makeup.

Plants have been under lights for 20 hours on and 4 hours off, for now.



Heres little experiment I have been trying.

Some naga morichs that I have put in a southern facing window seem to be doing just as good, just not as busy and dark green as the ones under 20 hour light, interesting.
Only difference is these ones haven’t been transplanted.



Anybody else trying the indoor thing this year?
So far its going good for me..
Gonna sprout some Nagas, and if the temps will go down anytime soon, I'll get some equipment for indoor.
Omri said:
Gonna sprout some Nagas, and if the temps will go down anytime soon, I'll get some equipment for indoor.

right on.. let me know how it goes for ya. let me know if you have any questions.
Omri said:
I have two really big fluorescent lamps, the ones you use for lighting up a room (That's what I'm using them for).
If I'll get something tall to put the Nagas on, will it do the job over winter?

It's something like this:

That's what I use, but you'll have to have the plants very close to the light. You want the top of the plant to be just a few inches below the plant.
Omri said:
I have two really big fluorescent lamps, the ones you use for lighting up a room (That's what I'm using them for).
If I'll get something tall to put the Nagas on, will it do the job over winter?

It's something like this:

I use a special fluorescent lights that have the colors plants like. If you refer back in my post I explain what kind and where to get them. Everybody has there own way of doing this, you will come to find out.

Myself I am very picky what color bulbs I use to grow plants under. The ones you got their look like they don’t have enough bluish purple to them. Right now I am using 7 -17watt, 4 foot grow fluorescents. Cost me about 10$ each at wallmart.
Omri said:
For now I don't really need it, but I guess when the time will come I'll try and err.

No you don’t. Just work your way up. They will grow under almost any light, just upgrade as you go. That’s the fun part, experimenting. :P
scarecrow said:
No you don’t. Just work your way up. They will grow under almost any light, just upgrade as you go. That’s the fun part, experimenting. :(
That's what "try and err" means. :P