I'm growing some Jolokias, Black Hungarians, Pasilla Bajio, Tobasco, Numex Big Jim, Thai Dragon, Regular and White Habs and Sante Fe. They are in various stages of germination - from poking through the potting soil today to 18 leaves. My biggest problem so far as been keeping the cats from eating the seedlings. I built a fence around them this evening (chicken wire) hoping that helps.
The plants are in front of a SSW-facing window and will get a lot of natural sunlight. I plan on supplementing that with narrow spectrum fluorescent lighting - from two to four hours a day, depending on the length of the day.
I'm looking forward to how your plants do, as I'm not sure what kind of soil to transplant them to. I'm tempeted to just use garden dirt - my habs, Hungarians and Jalas did quite well - if it doesn't turn cold within the next two weeks, I'll have close to 100 Habs to pick.
The plants are in front of a SSW-facing window and will get a lot of natural sunlight. I plan on supplementing that with narrow spectrum fluorescent lighting - from two to four hours a day, depending on the length of the day.
I'm looking forward to how your plants do, as I'm not sure what kind of soil to transplant them to. I'm tempeted to just use garden dirt - my habs, Hungarians and Jalas did quite well - if it doesn't turn cold within the next two weeks, I'll have close to 100 Habs to pick.