chinense Naga musings - Jolokia, Dorset, Morich etc

Pappy McPepper]And here said:[/URL]

In that article the results of the tests were originally published. (I've sent a request to someone who might actually have a copy on their hard drive to send me a copy of it.)

With that article in hand, Dave sent out requests to the cited scientists asking them to help him back up their claims, requested information on whether the same scientific standards the US labs use were used, etc. He even asked them to send him some samples of the peppers that they tested.

From what I can tell -- (I haven't discussed this with Dave) that final article, which you posted, is a result of the repeated requests and subesequent non-response of the Indian Scientists.

I have no wonder that Dave finds the whole thing hoaxy, all things considered, so do I.

That said...

When someone says something and can't or won't back it up... you start to question its veracity. That simply happens through common sense -- Not racism.

If that article is the only reason that you use to allow yourself to accuse Dave of racism, then you might as well call every thinking chilihead a racist too.

Pappy McPepper said:
Remos, you obviously have some problems with reading comprehension.
Nope, you do.
It's simple, people. "Indians" are a race (India is populated mostly by Indo-Aryans). If he'd substituted "Eskimos" for Indians, you'd see my point. Or "Blacks". I'm surprised this is not apparent to you. What he should have done is name the scientists by name. Which would have made the item he posted even more thoroughly and unarguably libellous.
Glad to see that my reading is still fine.
However I would like to hear a lot more about the different naga's cause I'm very interrested in them. I bought some dorset naga seeds on ebay, still waiting to receive though, should be any day now, and even if those seeds are not what they are suppose to be I have someone who has offered me some real seeds for free. , thnx for that btw:) anyway I'd love to hear your storys and theory's about naga morrich or dorset naga or any close relative, cause as I said, these peppers sure got my interrest!
Agree with you. Your english if FINE, just that some people HAVE to play the race card, particularly where there is NO RACE involved. But, to each his own, I guess.

I have some seeds that are purported to be from india, and you are welcome to some. just email me.
bluelytes said:
Agree with you. Your english if FINE, just that some people HAVE to play the race card, particularly where there is NO RACE involved. But, to each his own, I guess.

I have some seeds that are purported to be from india, and you are welcome to some. just email me.

Thanks, send you an e-mail right away!
Hi Guys,

Ive finally got round to updating the chile blog detailing my progress this with Naga Morich & Whippets Tail (amongst other things)

In the meantime, heres some more Naga Morich photos to feast your eyes on:




Tina/imaguitargod - how are you guys getting in with the seeds I sent over?

darlochileman said:
Tina/imaguitargod - how are you guys getting in with the seeds I sent over?


They are doing AWSOME! I had to retransplant from the front planter into pots for a few of them. The one plant that I had in a large pot from the beginning is in need of some fertalizer but has one or two peppers on it (small at this point).
darlochileman said:
Hi Guys,

Ive finally got round to updating the chile blog detailing my progress this with Naga Morich & Whippets Tail (amongst other things)

In the meantime, heres some more Naga Morich photos to feast your eyes on:




Tina/imaguitargod - how are you guys getting in with the seeds I sent over?


They seem to be coming along swimmingly. Every one that we planted seems to have sprouted, although the largest one stands only about 4 inches tall, and we are looking for a 365 day greenhouse in which to overwinter them; they're not going to flower and ripen before first frost I'm afraid.

Some will come to live in my kitchen, but the rest we will have to find homes for.
