chinense Naga musings - Jolokia, Dorset, Morich etc

It must have really hurt because your typing funny :)
Also I have planted my Naga's and am waiting or sprouts should be any day now
Once I have peppers we should compare the ones you have to mine Guitargod
naganero said:
Mine have been about 8-9 days and still no sprouts :) , maybe next week.

Patience is the game we play:) I have to wait till december to plant my dorset naga and naga morrich seeds, don't have room for huge plants in the winter:(
All mine took about 2 weeks give or take a few days. I know have 4 beautiful 6 inch Nagas, and my friends have the other 4 all doing well. Seem to be slow growing, but beautiful sturdy plants.
Man, I am getting too eager to try one of peppers are getting bigger really fast so it should only be a matter of a month till I have a ri[pe Naga to munch on!
Hey Naganero,

Good to hear you have lift-off. Anything between 7-14 days
is normal. What are you using to germinate? Rockwool cubes
in a propagator gives me the most reliable results.

I am using some small cups filled with E.B. Stone organic seed starting mix, A little super bloom and I know this sounds funny but I put them in a ziplock bag. So far every seed has germinated 100%.
Tony said:
Hey Naganero,

Good to hear you have lift-off. Anything between 7-14 days
is normal. What are you using to germinate? Rockwool cubes
in a propagator gives me the most reliable results.


Hey Tony, help a dummy like me out, what is a Rockwool Cube? ;)
[quote name='Cap'n Bones']Hey Tony, help a dummy like me out, what is a Rockwool Cube? :oops:[/QUOTE]
I know I'm not Tony, but I can help. Rock wool is an inorganic substance used for insulation and filtering. It's also used for plants. You can take cuttings of a plant and stick them in rock wool, give them fertalizers and mineral substitues, and it will grow roots (cloning plants 101). When I go to the "special" medical stores to get my meds, they have clones of different types of medicinal plants that are clones in rock wool with roots out the bottom. You also can start seeds in them.
Rockwool is great, but I use it maily for rooting cuttings. I find seedlings grow better and faster in a sterilized peat/vermiculite/pelite mixture where the roots can travel easier.
Tony said:
Hi Cap'n,

Sorry, I was sleeping ;-)
Rockwool is an inert material made by heat-treating volcanic
rock and spinning it out into fine threads. These are compacted
into slabs and are available from hydroponics shops in slabs
or various cube sizes. For sowing seeds they come in inch and
half-inch cubes with a small indent in for the seed.

The key point is that even when fully saturated with water they
manage to retain a large percentage of air - meaning that your
seeds won't rot and have the best of both moisture and oxygen,
just what it needs for successful germination.

Another plus is that there is no mess and the seedling can
be transferred to either a conventional pot with compost or
hydroponics rig without root disturbance.

Here's a tray of rockwool cubes:


God, i'm having flashbacks now. I used to be a Union Insulator, and i used that stuff every darn day.