review Naga pwnage video

Pepp3rFreak said:
Ok, it was time for me to get in the fun and I happend to have found myself the hottest Naga I've grown to date yet for the camera:lol:

I was relieved to see you finally suffering in the end! You looked so nonchalant at first.

You know, I see people trying to eat hot peppers, and they always go for the milk...then they chug the milk. That'll make them throw up as much as the pepper. If I'm doing the milk thing, I sip some, hold it in my mouth until the burn starts back up, then swallow.

Sugar works better, though.
wordwiz said:

I'm new here, so I have a lot of catching up to do. But in reading about buying seed, I wanted to add that I get my Naga (Jolokia) seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company.

Welcome Mike!

There are a lot of confusing names out there, and the Naga these folks are talking about here is the Naga Morich, or the Dorset Naga. The Jolokia they talk about is the Bhut Jolokia. The Naga Jolokia is not as hot as the others with similar names, or so I'm told. You won't ever see a video of *me* eating one of those bad boys! I'm a pepper geek, not a chilehead.
Glad you'll enjoyed the torturing videos:P As for me I useualy can eat one without getting in too much trouble, but I just found one that destroyed me like never before this time.:lol: I started hicupping and some of the capscian when up into my nose and that's when the pain really began, while my firend was out losing his lunch I was inhaling 6 glasses of milk:lol: The naga I ate was the only red one out of about 30 on this one particular plant, perhaps it put all of it's painful power into it? :lol:

Yes, ice cream helps when you can get it into your mouth and Pam is right, sugar does help a lot.
Pepp3rFreak said:
Here's another Naga video that was taken yesterday. The cameraman was the guy that ate a Naga a few days ago. He convinced his friend to eat one before they hit some golfs balls. Needless to say, the Naga eater didn't hit any balls after words :P:P

This golfer is very brave... he really is, ate the entire pepper and for a while it looked like he was going to be alright...:onfire:
haha those videos are great. pepperfreak, what game do you all play?

well, against my best judgment, i went ahead with eating a bhut jolokia that pam sent me. :mouthonfire: just ate it a minute ago, and i must say those things are HOT! i sat there with the pepper in front of me for a while..trying to either build up courage or talk myself out of it. :lol: i don't have a video camera, but i did take a few pics.

it takes a few seconds to kick in..but when it does, you know it! i chewed it up pretty good before swallowing. had some milk and bread by my side to bail me out after i thought i had enough pain.


pepper with quarter for size reference.


me thinking "what the hell am i doing!?"

chewing it heat yet.


there's the heat! haha my eyes watered up pretty quickly and even had a couple tears roll down my cheeks.


milk to the rescue!


in the end, i survived.
On the Internet, no one can hear you moaning in pain.

Glad you enjoyed it. And I will say again, you will not see any videos of me eating one of those things!
Haha, nice compilation of pics throughout that pepper experience! You can tell when you got lit up by the fire! I'll send you a Naga to try if you want!! But you have to get more pix or camera photage! :mouthonfire:

As for the game question, we play mostly Half Life based games like Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat, and we also play Battlefield 2, CODII, and a bunch of others. If your a gamer check out out website, we have 5 servers up 24/7, 2 of them dedicated on T1 lines with 32 player capacities.

Pam I know everyone here would love to see you eat a hot pepper!!!! Do if for the forum please!!!!:lol::P
that's cool, i haven't played most of those. i play bf2 and the various mods and expansions for it. also play 2142. heh have you seen that pirate mod for bf2? it's pretty fun and funny.

do you guys have a bf2 server? or mainly for the other games you mentioned?

ha i'd try a naga, haven't had one of those before. funny thing is that before i ate that jolokia, the spiciest pepper i had ever eaten like that was a jalapeno. :mouthonfire:

pam, i'd have to agree with pepperfreak. though i know you seem pretty determined to not burn your mouth off. :lol: thanks again for the peppers.
xgrafcorex said:
that's cool, i haven't played most of those. i play bf2 and the various mods and expansions for it. also play 2142. heh have you seen that pirate mod for bf2? it's pretty fun and funny.

do you guys have a bf2 server? or mainly for the other games you mentioned?

I never seen the pirate mod, I'll have to check it out as it sounds fun! As for a BF2 serv3r we took ours down as noone would come out as it wasn't ranked, re refuse to pay for it.. It was fun though getting all humans to pwn the botz.:P
hah the pirate one is really good. it's funny with some of the get one shot, then you have to hide or keep moving around while you reload. there are pirates, and the other team is undead..basically a bunch of skeletons with guns and swords. the only thing i wish you could do is actually sword fight. it's the same as the good hit and their dead.

that sucks about your bf2 server. i admit, i'm guilty of only going to ranked servers. :P

if you play it often, we should meet up on there somewhere. i don't play everyday, but close. on thursday and sunday i play in some tournament thing that my old roommates got me into. after it's over, sometimes i'll go into public servers, or decide i've had enough for the day. the rest of the week it is pretty much all public servers.

i only know of one way to find out if people are online now since bf2s is down. you can just punch in someones name or tags and they should come up with ip and everything. it works for a bunch of different games.