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hot-sauce Naga Snakebite Hot Sauces

We received our 2 bottles of Marks naga snakebite & the private reserve opened them both and tryed them.

On both you get that fruity hot pepper taste and while they both are an everyday type sauce . On flavor the regular snakebite with Onions,carrots, tomatoes, vinegar, naga morich red chillis, ginger, red bell peppers,garlic,olive oil,salt
The Private Reserve the difference between the 2 is the amount of naga's but you don't lose that great flavor of the other
So on flavor I give it a 10 of 10

As for the heat this being my first sauce made with naga morich as the heat source was great. I would also say for heat I would give it a 9.5 while it is hot the flavor makes you just keep going.

Overall An Excellent sauce!

Should get mine by the end of the week

*hint hint*

But Mark's said he's v busy with the press at the moment. Cool beans! Only time I get to deal with the press is when one of my clients has killed someone.
When you get yours I'm sure you'll agree it is the taste in a sauce though it may be hot you still can't put it down.

Great Job!

I went straight to the Private Reserve, first. Honestly, this "sauce" is more like a pepper mash- not a bad thing at all. The peppers are the star and the seasonings are like a bit player with a 30-second role in an hour-long movie. Heat level... more like a 6 or a 7. You can eat this stuff all day in blissful agony without grabbing a stick of butter to medicate your mouth (try doing that with Blair's Jersey Death!). All-in-all, this is a fantastic effort by The Chilieman and crew and look forward to his later offerings as well!
I agree the heat level was a bit of a let down for the hype of this chile. But as you know heat is relative what is hot to one is not hot to another Still thought it was a very good sauce.

kato said:
I agree the heat level was a bit of a let down for the hype of this chile. But as you know heat is relative what is hot to one is not hot to another Still thought it was a very good sauce.

True enough. I'll be curious to see how toxic my Jolokia plants will be in July and August as a comparison. That said, I'm really tempted to dump a whole bottle of this stuff into a pot of chili. Boy, would it taste great:fireball:
kato said:
I agree the heat level was a bit of a let down for the hype of this chile.

Also remember, that the SHU listed is merely for the hottest Naga tested. If Naga's follow a normal (bell curve) distribution for capsacinoid concentration, then the average Naga might be on the order of 0.9-1 million SHU...and once you start making sauce (dilution) your heat level is going to go down.
pure heat is from extracts, remember that this is a sauce and isn't supposed to have intolerable heat - colour, texture, flavour and aroma are also important.
Just arrived this morning. Don't think the heat level is a let down, but I can see what you mean: If you want something that will really cause you immense pain, then perhaps it's not your thing.

But who wants that? Really? If you want the pain to feel alive, use a branding iron on your tongue or something. If you want a hot sauce that it proper hot and leaves a tingle, this rocks.

And remember, people: WE are a minority. To the tabasco swilling masses who regard that sauce as the hottest thing they're likely to come across, Snake bite will be regarded as insane.

rant over. As you were.
chilliman64 said:
pure heat is from extracts, remember that this is a sauce and isn't supposed to have intolerable heat - colour, texture, flavour and aroma are also important.
Actually, I didn't know what to expect from the sauce when I tried it for the first time. I love the fact that I can use this sauce for everything and not risk injury.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for taking the time to comment on these sauces. Im a complete novice at sauce making and your feedback and comments are invaluable.

As chilliman says:

chilliman64 said:
pure heat is from extracts, remember that this is a sauce and isn't supposed to have intolerable heat - colour, texture, flavour and aroma are also important.

Ive tried to get the balance I can (from my limited experience) between a good level of heat and a nice flavour. I will be working on batch two over the next few weeks and am thinking of adding a fruit to the mixture to play with the tastes. Mangoes were in the original recipie but they cost a fortune when buying in bulk.

What would you guys like to see in the next sauce? How about Pineapple. I think the sweetness might work well with the fruity Nagas? These Naga sauces are a bit of fun and very much a team effort. They are made for you guys and after your input.
darlochileman said:
Hi Guys,

Thanks for taking the tie to comment on thess sauces. Im a complete novice at sauce making and your feedback and comments are invaluable.

As chilliman says:

Ive tried to get the balance I can (from my limited experience) between a good level of heat and a nice flavour. I will be working on batch two over the next few weeks and am thinking of adding a fruit to the mixture to play with the tastes. Mangoes were in the original recipie but they cost a fortune when buying in bulk.

What would you guys like to see in the next sauce? How about Pineapple. I think the sweetness might work well with the fruity Nagas? These Naga sauces are a bit of fun and very much a team effort. They are made for you guys and after your input.
Yes :)
Seriously, it's an excellent idea. One of the most mind-blowing sauces I've ever had used carrot juice to bring out the fruitiness of the habaneros.
PS- I wouldn't be afraid to season it a little more as well (NOTE: All opinions expressed by me are not the opinions of this blog or its' sponsors :))
Just wanted to say that I am a big fan of the Naga Morich if this is typical of what they taste like. I have already almost finished my first bottle and I have had it less than a week. It is a little thicker than most of the sauces I eat, but I like that with this sauce as you really get nice big pieces of pepper. You have really hit a home run in your first attempt here Mark!
I agree with the heat Kato. I made a one off batch for a standard bottle with 10 naga's, salt, and white vin... I thought it was so so...but people love it. I think it's just the great taste of the pepper...what a great pepper, yet the heat is not as hot as you would think...nothing like when you pop a pod in your mouth! ha

Rock on,
