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scovilles Naga Viper New Guinness World Record Holder

Growing up, we called people that dressed like skaters "Posers." Gerald is the "Poser" of the chili world. Why does this whole Naga Viper thing get under my skin so damn much?
The previous record holder, the Red Savina didn't stay popular with gardeners this long.

Actually I believe the red savina was popular for much longer, and is still very popular today. All this because of one exaggerated test, or maybe it was intentional tampering of samples. Whatever the reason, I'm sure they made a tonne of money off results that weren't true :(
Nothing with the words naga or jolokia will be the record holder once they have a substantiated test of 7's or Scorpions.
It'll be hard to compete with what is very likely inflated results and from an unstable hybrid pepper, especially now that Guinness has changed the rules.
As passionate chileheads we always know more than Guinness anyways. Do you think they know or care the slightest bit about chiles, for them its all about money and publicity, and beer
I don't buy this for an instant.
The Guiness record WILL be broken...but not this time.
And in my humble guess...the pepper will not be bred in England...OR tested at Warwick....but somewhere in South America maybe...or India again...or one of the Super-Hots listed right here in THP.

Most likely Trinidad.

In fact, if anyone grows these Infinity or Viper peppers this year send me a couple of pods and I will eat them on video and compare them to the hottest peppers I have eaten (ie Douglah, Brain Strain, and Scorpion).
Most of the super-hot originated from Trinidad, but now people are just taking all these similar peppers, crossing them, and calling them their own. Anyone can cross two super hot peppers, but selecting and stabilizing them over years into a desirable stable cross is the difficult part. Ideally you'd want to introduce distinctively new genes into the limited pool but I guess when breeding for the hottest its just easier to cross whats been the hottest for many many years. I see so many 7-scorpions being bred by different sources, and its all getting a bit boring for me.
7 reds and scorpion reds, butch variety. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise mate, much information available is a lie. I'm just glad the caribbean nuclears are becoming more common in sauces :) more variety with heat and flavors and no need for extracts at all!! :)
7 reds and scorpion reds, butch variety. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise mate, much information available is a lie. I'm just glad the caribbean nuclears are becoming more common in sauces :) more variety with heat and flavors and no need for extracts at all!! :)
Had a little taste test this weekend (thanks you know who!)
and I will confirm as much. Red Savina is hot, but just a bit hotter than a hab to me. Bhut Jolokia is much hotter, 7 pod great taste and even hotter still, and Scorps......wow! I imagine chewing a whole Scorp might make you sterile!!! Dangerous lil buggers }=>~
Trinidad scorpions have the facts on their side. Done properly and consistantly but several sources- they rule the roost here on an easy win of 1,191,000 consistant Scoville Units.

The only way there will even be a majority-consensus on what is the hottest chilli is if;

Tests are done on genetically-proven plants (the plant is stable and can be proven to be what it is claimed).
Tests are done on multiple plants from multiple international locations - no "one plant in one location" tests.
Tests are done to standards - Fresh/dried, full-fruit/placenta only, multiple/single pods etc.
Tests are done to HPLC standards - I hear that not all labs use the same standards.
Tests are done in two or more independent labs.
Tests are verified by independent and trusted growers.

But of course none of that will happen, so we will continue to have the "I grew a pod called the Naga Nunchuck with eleventy-billion SCU, and my mate gave me the paperwork to prove it" situations. And releases from Guinness every year stating the opposite of last year's results. :)
Naga Nunchuck :rofl: :rofl: now THAT is hilarious. Certainly captures the whole essense of sillyness that Guinness is allowing to take place with these peppers.