chinense NagaJolokia,Tezpur or PC-1?

My point is he may have a chinensis that looks like an annumor frutescens species

Omri said
"The only reason why one would call "it" a Chinense is relying on the early "Naga Jolokia" reports.
Long and pointy = Annuum (Frutescens at best)
The only Chinense "Naga" is Naga Morich (of course there's the Bhut and Bih as well).

Even without the tests (that showed it's Annuum), just take a good look at the plant.
Chinense plants have special characteristics."

and I'm saying that is just to vague a statement without looking at the plant particuliarly the flowers and how they grow. hence the Willard would love this thread just bugs me thats all.
chilehunter said:
I grew them last season & no they are not HOT, BUT they're not a worthless chile either! do you consider a cayenne or a thai chile worthless ? the pc-1/naga jolokia is about as hot as a cayenne & the pod is like some thais with it being thin fleshed & packed full with seeds.

but if you're looking to grow a chile that drops you to the floor once eating the pod, then no this is not a chile you'd want to grow.

True, but if they are heatless {was mentioned up there somewhere} whats the point?
bent - is that what you use ? imageshack ? where you need to click on the picture to enlarge. I did that before I think somewhere & theres spyware attached so I stopped clicking on those pictures you need to enlarge to see.

ozark - go to photobucket its easy to use they can also upload your pictures
stillmanz said:
My point is he may have a chinensis that looks like an annumor frutescens species

Omri said
"The only reason why one would call "it" a Chinense is relying on the early "Naga Jolokia" reports.
Long and pointy = Annuum (Frutescens at best)
The only Chinense "Naga" is Naga Morich (of course there's the Bhut and Bih as well).

Even without the tests (that showed it's Annuum), just take a good look at the plant.
Chinense plants have special characteristics."

and I'm saying that is just to vague a statement without looking at the plant particuliarly the flowers and how they grow. hence the Willard would love this thread just bugs me thats all.
I only know one pepper that looks like that from Tezpur, and it's the PC-1.
BUT like I said before, I'm not claiming to know EVERYTHING... I'm open to new ideas, even though I try to share as much as I can from my own knowledge.
bent - the naga jolokias I grew where not heatless. maybe to your tastebuds if you eat bhuts & real nagas everyday then yea their heatless. but a cayenne is not heatless & they're around that SHU level IMO
chilehunter said:
bent - is that what you use ? imageshack ? where you need to click on the picture to enlarge. I did that before I think somewhere & theres spyware attached so I stopped clicking on those pictures you need to enlarge to see.

ozark - go to photobucket its easy to use they can also upload your pictures

chilehunter - the spyware that your machine is detecting is just the ad on the page and maybe a cookie to see how many views the pic gets. Nothing dodgy in it.
Ozarkrocker @ lol, just put this in your messege:
lol i couldn't eat that i said, cricket bat to the forehead. You spend an indeterminable period of time just staring at the sky & drooling :lol:
Omri sorry I may not have made myself clear I don't give two sh@ts about tezpur, pc1 naga jolokia etc lol
I'll break it down...
You said "Long and pointy = Annuum (Frutescens at best)" I disagree chinensis come in many shapes
You said " just take a good look at the plant.
Chinense plants have special characteristics."

again its not that simple, anyway I don't care anymore. That was my point about 15 post ago and I still doubt you get were I'm comming from lol.
ozark - you can resize the pictures to fit in forums better, at least photobucket has that option. I think 640x800 is the size you want for forums
stillmanz said:
Omri sorry I may not have made myself clear I don't give two sh@ts about tezpur, pc1 naga jolokia etc lol
I'll break it down...
You said "Long and pointy = Annuum (Frutescens at best)" I disagree chinensis come in many shapes
You said " just take a good look at the plant.
Chinense plants have special characteristics."

again its not that simple, anyway I don't care anymore. That was my point about 15 post ago and I still doubt you get were I'm comming from lol.
Oh... ok, now I see. :lol:
I think you misunderstood me.
Yeah, maybe the "just take a good look at the plant" wasn't the most scientific comment, but from what I've seen so far it works.
Also the "Long and pointy = Annuum (Frutescens at best)" was regarding the Naga peppers.
If it's long and pointy, then it's not the Chinense Naga.
The Chinense Nagas are Bhut/Bih/Morich. I wasn't saying there's no long and pointy Chinense peppers.
Ozarkrocker said:
Thanks, I can try to do that, but it might take me another half hour.LOL!!!
Omri said:
Ozarkrocker @ lol, just put this in your messege:

... :rolleyes: