chinense NagaJolokia,Tezpur or PC-1?

Omri said:

It was a joke dude.:lol: Here is another picture, this is of the leaf.

I just want to thank everyone for helping me out with this pepper, and having a good chat. I also now know how to upload pics to web, thanks for that too.:) Well I gotta run, I will talk to ya' later.

wow, you sleep in one day and look what you miss...
here's my two sense (a little simpler than you all made it...): look at the flowers: do they have white petals with black stamens (chinense) or white petals with light stamens (anuum)
for other characteristics i like this link:
it's kind of overkill cuz it includes a bunch of wild varieties but in defense of omri's point i direct your attention to the table on chinenses where it says 'berry: roundish'
Pam said:
Ozarkrocker, can you get a picture of the inside of the flower?

I can take a picture very soon, the flower just opened, and I can't get a good view inside yet. Now, just to make shure I'm on the right track, are the nodes where it splits into branchs? Sorry I should know this by now!:rolleyes:
rainbowberry said:
I'm growing Indian PC-1. The chileman site says it's a Frutescen. It's got it listed twice:

That's what I thought it was at first? Here's my question, how can you tell between a frutescens and annuum? Most of the time like Omri said, you can tell by just looking at them, but for some reason this plant has me and some other people stumped?
I don't think I've ever seen a C. chinense that grows upwards so much or so long and thin. I still think its an C. annuum (or C. frutescens) too.

Here's the PC-1 I grew which definitely wasn't a C. chinense (some multiple(2) pods per node).

i read all this and went asd took some pictures of my plants to compare if your interested.

I purchased seeds and insteas of white bullet habs i got these. not really happy and wont grow them again. have whit bullet hab seeds comming from a different supplier (if they ever post them, i ordered them a month ago but i have been told they are wiating for more Bhut Jalokia seeds before they send them) to grow next summer.

I still have a lot to learn about the varieties and their traits........ i always thought chilli was chilli. Not any more!

I take it the C. chinense are the habaners type variety......... or do i look like a dope now

here are some pics of my PC-1 plants...... they are nothing like my habanero plants, more like the cayenne plant i grew last year. long thin chillis. cant coment on flavour and heat yet but will soon. I have a ripe pepper thats getting chewed shortly.

i have about 8 plants....... one has the chillis erect like in the other pics



the rest grow downwards


Good lookin' plant there POTAWIE. This is what the chileman says about the Naga Jolokia aka Tezpur and PC-1.

"The anuum version is sold under the name PC-1 in the US."

He also put that there where annuum & Frutescens all over the world, but I don't think there are any Chinense version's exept the real deal, Bhut Jolokia, and NagaMorich ect. This was the biggest question I had with peppers, I had no idea really what the PC-1 was, until now. I think we all had one of the biggest debates on the internet about the PC-1, this should really help anyone with any questions on it. :)