chinense NagaJolokia,Tezpur or PC-1?

This debate has been ongoing for years now because of the confusion in the Naga Jolokia name. I think one of my first posts here was about the PC-1
This debate has been ongoing for years now because of the confusion in the Naga Jolokia name. I think one of my first posts here was about the PC-1

Really. well it makes sense. Forget PC-1, I'm calling it the El Confusion pepper!
i looked over all my plants and found only 2 instances of multiple nodes.



i compared it to my smaller habanero plants and they are nothing alike. different everything. the only thing they have in common is the potting mix. leaves, stems, pods..... all different


and on he Habarmero plants i have this...... its a chocolate hab i think. 5 chillis on this node with lots more like it.


just my experinces. Im no expert on varieties and their atributes, hope this helps a bit

tony05 said:


that flower in the background is blurry but looks mighty white in the middle, i'm calling annuum on this puppy. if it was frutescens it would be dark in the middle but with purpley anthers. i've seen the pc-1 listed as 855 000 shu on a site i thought to be reputable, it could be that somewhere out there it exists but more then likely there are just a bunch of varieties people have been calling the pc-1 b/c they aren't really doing DNA tests but it came out of tezpur. and maybe one of the others is chinense and closer to the mythical 800K shu rating.
one thing is for sure tho, those are some very nicely grown plants, i hope you find a good use for all the confusion chiles
The heat level you speak of is from the days when none knew what pepper the "Naga Jolokia" is.
Only later it was published that it is not the PC-1 (Highest score I've seen is 60,000SHU~), but the Bhut Jolokia/Naga Morich.
Don't expect to find great heat when growing PC-1.