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naganumbness eats fatali

yes , this thing hurt! great flavour followed by overpowering hab taste. very few seed but major heat. almost up there with the nuclears. the hang time seemed to go on forever! enjoy.
hey sci. so far the top three in heat for me are 7pod jonah , trinidad douglah then trinidad scorpion in that order. i don't see any chili getting to much hotter than the scorpion but paulntonkin on youtube ate the infinity chili a couple of days ago and he told me it was slightly worse than the scorpion. it will probably be a few years before anyone outside of the U.K. get a hold of the seeds for this chili. the genetics are allegedly 7pod and scorpion cross. it will probably take a while before N.M.S.U tests it but i'm curious about the results. thanks for watching.
thanks wasatch! it was a good one. i have to grow this one next season! thanks duvalldaves , the next one is red fatali which i never heard of until sheldon told me about them. they are supposed to be hotter than the regular one. thanks for watching!
I ate a whole Fatalii the other day not expecting it to be so hot and definitely one of the worst burns I've had. For me what made it so painful was that UNDER my tongue was burning. Never had that happen. Really great flavor though.
thanks for watching lucky dog! after doing the dorset , jonah ,douglah and the scorpion i underestimated this pepper. it kicked my ass good. thanks for watching roadhouse. yeah o got it under the tongue ,roof of the mouth , back of the throat even my gums burned. worst part for me was the massive saliva output, then when you swallow it it makes it worse.also the length of the burn (hangtime!) i thought it was never gonna quit. the only other peppers that rival this in hangtime are jonah and bhut jolokia.
I thought you retired... at least for this season :D

Another good review bro!

The fatalii is the only pepper that gave me hiccups so far. I have Orange Fatalii seeds that came from a few peppers that were picked at Meadow View Farm. Not sure what they are but will try growing them next year.
thanks for watching lazy! your yellow 7 video was awsome! thanks for watching alpheon. no retirement just a pause. i still got some more to go before the season ends. it's still in the 80s here and lows of about 58 to 54 degrees. plus all the very generous pepper people i've gotten to know keep sending pods so the show must go on. WINTER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
nicely done! i grew both the red and the yellow fatali last year - good news - i dont't remember any discernible difference in heat levels - they're both extreme!
thanks for watching buddy! good i'm glad of that because red is coming and yellow whipped my ass plenty! i deeplt appreciate your offer and i just pm'd you back! everyone seems to think that just because i tested the hottest strains that that's all i'm looking for. fact is that i'm not trying to be a bad ass. i will all of them. i love chilis! from the hottest( well, i'm not sure i love scorpion anymore!!!!) to the one's with no heat! this is fun for me , and i will give you my honest opinion every time. if i think a pepper sucks i'll tell you. if it makes me cry , you'll see it. if it makes me babble and make no sense you'll see that and if i love it you'll know that too. that's all i'm here to do because i finally found a place where people know what i'm talking about and that is the best feeling in the GD world! i love you all. have a good night. take care!
Nice vid. I always find the fatalii to be surprisingly hot for it's supposed scoville units. I think it is something about the way it attacks your pain receptors and how the heat comes on so quickly. It doesn't just build like some other peppers. Still my favorite pepper though. Good job.
thanks pappy! thanks jay t! yeah to me fatali is one of the most ruthless scotch bonnets it really hurts. the scoville scale ca be a little off sometimes. it's hard to judge. thanks very much judy!! the red one is coming up tommorrow. i would test it today but i have a dart game tonight and i don't want labour pains!!!LOL. i wish this season would not end.

As well as being a excellent all round Chilli Fatalii is also a great cropper ive grown three plants this season and got around 120 pods off each plant so far and they are still going strong.