chinense Nagareapers vs Jigsaw Gators

Question, how hot exactly are Nagareapers and Jigsaw Gators? I've never had a super hot, but I've eaten habaneros regularly with ease as of lately. My friend, never had anything too spicy, wants to try the Nagareaper and I'm going with the Jigsaw Gator. Thanks!
Statistically speaking, your standard Naga is about 3 times the strength of your standard Habanero and both Reapers and Jigsaws are hotter still. I don't have first hand experience with those breeds you mentioned but I can eat Habaneros ok and still struggle with even the smallest bits of milder Naga relatives when fresh. You're in for a wild ride.
 This Jigsaw gator is a natural mutation I found in my garden a few years ago . It ripens greenish with a hint of mustard . It didn't have nearly the heat of a real jigsaw that ripens red . Maybe orange hab heat . 
InsectMan said:
Question, how hot exactly are Nagareapers and Jigsaw Gators? I've never had a super hot, but I've eaten habaneros regularly with ease as of lately. My friend, never had anything too spicy, wants to try the Nagareaper and I'm going with the Jigsaw Gator. Thanks!
I think hogleg got the coolest looking of my nagareaper but not the hottest. Sent some pods to Justin white where he grew the seed. Got it tested and it turned out to be 1.4 million scovie units. Like Jamie said the gator jigsaw are not much hotter than a hab. Start with the gator and build up to a NR.