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chinense Nat Scotch Bonnet?

Aside from being a Scotch Bonnet, is it a certain strain? I can not seem to be able to locate any information on a Nat Scotch Bonnet. The seed bag has CheezyDemon's screenname on it which has not been active since here since Nov 09. The person that gave it to me never grew it out.

Any one have an idea?
The only thing I can think of is that maybe the NAT means its a natural scotch bonnet. That is to say that it is a regular SB and not some deviated strain or variety. I started a few seeds and if anything comes up from them, they will be grown out. But they are a few years old so I'm not holding my breath on their viability.
Likely someone named Nat needed a name for a Scotch bonnet he found or grew, or Nat was just the name of a seed source. Many of us old-time chile-heads label our seeds including the name of our seed source ie. Scotch Bonnet-Potawie
Think I have one of those as well and I haven't planted it yet but I thought possibly someone had sloppy printing and meant "not scotch bonnet". Guess it's time to grow them out and see what is in the package.
Hi Potowie!:hell:

If I have a very consistent and classically shaped scotch bonnet, but I am not sure of the origin, is it OK to assume it is a scotch bonnet?

Sorry no pic and we are about to leave, but it is nothing special except for the extremely consistent shape.

It was marked "Nat scotch bonnet" on last years parcel post seed trade.

Cheezydemon asked this same question in 2008 so I don't think he would know.
I also agree with PF, it could certainly be "not-Scotch bonnet" which is how many old-time chileheads mark their plants that don't grow true. If its got a consistant bonnet shape then there is always a good chance that its actually one of the many non-bonnet, bonnet-shaped annuum.
I don't think their is a misspelling in my case. But, it could have evolved from a not to a nat fairly easily. If any of the seed come up from what I started already then I'll grow it out to see what we get.

Thanks Potawie for digging up the old post.

My .02 again..I traded with Cheezy before and that does not look like his writing but in the trading process those seeds could have been repackaged and the name copied. All I'm saying is if it was a mistake and has been copied and passed on all we can do is grow them out and see what we get. Pepper traders label packages just as they receive them so anything is a possibility. So we either have a nat scotch bonnet or a not scotch bonnet..this could be interesting.